Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Open Comment Post. 25 Sept 18

Boxer in the snow...a warning for future ACV operations?

Check out the above video.

You did?  Then consider this.  No slam on the Marine Corps upgrade/modernization plans.  I like the decisions made.  Moving on with the ACV instead of spending money on the AAV-SU makes NOTHING BUT SENSE!

I get it.

I dig it.

But most importantly I understand it!

Having said that we can't fool ourselves either.  Moving from tracked to wheeled vehicles in our amphibious assault/troop transport role will be a change.  Seemingly small stuff will matter.

Which brings me back to the above vid.

When I first saw the Boxer in stuck in the snow, my first reaction was damn.  Then it was, someone didn't receive proper training in how to maneuver his vehicle.  Then it dawned on me that we've seen tracks stuck in exactly the same way.

We've been told that the ACV has equal mobility to the AAV.  I didn't get invited to the testing in Mississippi so I can't confirm that.  What I can say is even if that's the case we need to plan on recovering them in some pretty bad spots and probably need to plan on doing battle drills to do the same while being under fire...even worse under an artillery barrage.

That Boxer vid is instructive.  We operate in all climates and so do our vehicles. We need them in the fleet as soon as possible to develop real world "lessons learned", and that needs to be passed to the Fleet and the School House ricky tick quick.

We can do it, but let's make sure we do it right.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Boeing MH-139 chosen for USAF nuclear support mission...

I am slobberknocked.

I thought for sure the MH-60 would be chosen but the USAF went a different way.  I'd love to know why but the Europeans should be proud.

I just don't see how this is the right platform for that job but we'll see what we'll see...

AAD 2018 Streit Group presents its full range of armored vehicles APC static & live demonstration

Is it just me or does the Sherp at the end of the video look like the same rig I saw displayed somewhere in Russia a few years ago?

BREAKING: Putin tells Netanyahu he rejects Israeli version of Syria plane downing - @AFP

More to come I'm sure...

Patria AMV 8x8 @ European Land Robot Trials...

The latest member of highly successful Patria AMV 8x8 family, a fully digitalised state-of-the-art vehicle, will take part in the European Land Robot Trial (#ELROB) 2018

Open Comment Post. 24 Sept 18

Future Lynx Wildcat via Think Defense Flickr Page...You gotta check it out!

Think Defense has a Flickr Page!  Who knew!  Anyway you guys gotta check it out.  Click here and make sure you pour your favorite beverage and drink in all the goodness!