Friday, January 18, 2019

This is crazy! Dude actually did a backflip in a SUV!

Open Comment Post. 18 Jan 2019

Did Singapore just tell the JSF program office that they don't trust the briefings?

Thanks to Donno for the link!

via Strait Times.
"However, the technical evaluation also concluded that the RSAF should first purchase a small number of F-35 JSFs for a full evaluation of their capabilities and suitability before deciding on a full fleet," added the statement.
Story here. 

That ladies and gentleman is a full throated "we don't believe what you're telling us so we'll test it ourselves" if I ever heard one.

Bellingcat crunches the number of armored vehicles Assad lost during the war...

Story here but the numbers are staggering.  Are we sure this was a low intensity war?  Judging by the number of vehicles lost I think not.  Hybrid?  Possibly.  The more I think about it the more I think that we've stumbled into a regional war.  The number of forces involved seem to indicate that we're dealing with one.  The number of nations participating definitely indicate a regional war.

Rebel44CZ tweeted this about the article...
I have updated numbers and graphs of visually confirmed Assad's regime armor losses since the start of the Syrian Civil War in my article.
Some interesting facts:
Total losses: 2322 armored vehicles
Peak losses: 97 armored vehicles lost in July 2012

Yeah tribe.

Our political and military leadership won't admit it, but the US and it's allies arrayed against Russia/Assad/Iran are involved in a regional war.

UK Ministry of Defense makes plans for possible violence ahead of a 'No Deal EU Exit'

I get that everyone has contingency plans for everything...up to and including aliens landing...but if this is out in the wild then I wonder what the SECRET planning is!

More pics of the Thailand - Singapore army exercise 2018

Thanks to Donno for the pics!

My God!  I didn't think anyone still operated this dinosaur!  

Weapons Company Marines refine fast rope fundamentals....Videos by Cpl. Luis Velez



Ok.  Gotta have a HRST Master or two in the audience.  Why hasn't the Marine Corps solved the rotor wash affecting the rope?  Having a couple of Marines acting as an anchor to keep the line from going almost horizontal to the plane seems sub-optimal at best.

Battalion Landing Team, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, assault an objective at a live-fire range during exercise Alexander the Great 2019 in Volos, by Staff Sgt. Andrew Ochoa

It's all fun and games during the day but the pain comes at night. It's gonna get COLD on that hill!  Ya know they really should have authorized gaiters for individual purchase (assuming command approved) for wear in conditions like this and in the weeds...It was offered as an option when the Corps went to digital camo but for some reason other Marines didn't want it.  I kinda liked the look and the practicality of the things.  Old Skool Marines wore the things for a reason!

U.S. Marine LAVs train in Volos, Greece during ATG by Staff Sgt. Andrew Ochoa