Saturday, July 11, 2020

Attack on a US convoy in Syria?

No one has ANYTHING on this (meaning mainstream news).  No Pentagon press releases...NOTHING!

This one is a wait and see...

A New DEADLIER VIRUS? China Claims Mystery Illness in Kazakhstan

NOTE!  Canadian Prepper linked to this CNN article to backup his video.

Hmm.  Outbreaks of new diseases in different nations on the globe?  Guess we're all going to be junior virologists this century.

When the WHO finally gets into the mix I'm betting this is just another strain of COVID-19.  Many forget but there were two different strains of the disease at the outbreak so seeing a third isn't too far of a stretch.

Open Comment Post. 11 July 2020

ARIS LTATV (Light Tactical All Terrain Vehicle)

Alpini paratroopers of the 4th Monte Cervino regiment on board the Italian made Aris LTATV (Light Tactical All Terrain Vehicle)

Manufacturers website here.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Public disorder in China over a govt "land grab"...

Mixed feelings on this.  Imminent Domain is the right of every govt.  Western nations do it all the time in the interests of state.

I guess the big thing is that we're seeing stressed citizens everywhere.  I've pointed to the coronavirus lockdown as being the cause of some of the stress we're seeing in the US and I have to think that the same is happening here.

For some reason authorities are so focused on what is a mild disease for the healthy (admittedly lethal for those with pre-existing conditions) that they're ignoring the mental health aspects of this thing.

Honestly I'm surprised we haven't seen even more disorder in China.  They had a much more draconian lockdown than we did so if my theory is correct we should have seen a more drastic response to it.

US Army's 75th Field Artillery Brigade doing work!

Should the Army designate (perhaps an artillery brigade in the 25th ID) as anti-ship capable and buy AShM's for work in the Pacific?

How has Security Force Regiment escaped Berger's meat cleaver?

Saw the above Tweet and it got me wondering. How has FAST Regiment escaped Berger's meat cleaver?

I really and truly don't understand his rationale but if it's to salami slice the Marine Corps to ribbons (which it seems like he does) then this force would seem to be on the chopping block.

Anyone know?

Beautiful Japanese MV-22C

Trump commutes Roger Stones sentence...

Auburn Hills Michigan Woman Pulls Gun on Woman & Child...

In for a penny in for a pound.  Comments on this one?

EOS Containerized Weapon System

Press Release Here...

Precision is a necessity, not a luxury.

I don't think truer words have been spoken.

Open Comment Post. 10 July 2020