Friday, July 01, 2022

Nature is mental. Poor doggie didn't stand a chance

Your new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy. UPDATE!!!!

Hey all. I posted this because I wanted to see the reaction.  I'm sure all see what's going on here but I had to speak on it.

This "person"(I don't know what its preferred pronoun is) is seeking to troll us.  Whether intentional or not, this individual has made their personal life the story.  

Not their credentials (which to my limited knowledge look impressive enough).

But their personal life.

Think about it like this.

What if this person simply announced that they had just been appointed to this position, posted their resume and kept it moving.

You wouldn't hear a word about it.  If you saw them later you wouldn't care.  They're qualified.  The only thing you would want is for them to do the damn job.

They didn't do that.

Their personal life was more important than the work that they're doing for the nation.

That's telling and unfortunate.

Naval Strike Missile for Australia

Canada is diverting combat vehicles from the factory away from its own troops to Ukraine...

via CBC
Ukraine's long-standing pleas — and prayers — for advanced Western weapons are beginning to be answered as Canada announced Thursday it plans to send dozens of brand-new armoured personnel carriers to the embattled country.

It is part of an overall push by NATO, which has said it will help the eastern European country convert to a modern military kit.

At the conclusion of the NATO leaders summit in Madrid, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada is working on finalizing a deal to provide Ukraine with 39 armoured combat support vehicles (ACSVs). They had been destined for the Canadian Army and were in the process of being delivered, but instead will be diverted.


It should be obvious to all.

NATO is at war with Russia.

Open Comment Post. 1 July 22

Makin Island Conducts Stern-gate Marriage

The president said the US will face high gas prices for ‘as long as it takes’

We're already in a recession.  I wonder if a global depression is possible?

Thursday, June 30, 2022

S&P 500 down 21% in first half of this year. Worst returns since 1970

Its kinda amazing. Biden and company (to include all the politicians of his generation...) all seem to want to recreate the 1970s. Why they would want to recreate such a tumultuous time in US history is beyond me, but they appear to be succeeding. The only thing missing is gas lines.

Late Open Comment Post. 30 June 22


Ukraine and Russian engage in a prisoner swap. Ukraine gets back some of it's AZOV troops...

 via Reuters

Ukraine on Wednesday carried out its biggest exchange of prisoners of war since Russia invaded, securing the release of 144 of its soldiers, including 95 who defended Mariupol's steelworkers, Ukraine's military intelligence agency said.

The majority of the Ukrainians were badly wounded, suffering from gunshot and shrapnel wounds, blast traumas, burns, fractured bones and amputated limbs, the agency known by the acronym GUR said in a statement on Telegram.
