Friday, April 26, 2024

The US Army is restructing its Aviation Brigades. When the V-280 hits they will take over amphibious assault ships that the Marine Corps has abandoned, forcible entry will reside only in the Army

When your rival is making mistakes you get out the way and let them. The US Army has/is watching the idiocy of Force Design 2030 and its one region/one foe strategy and they're setting themselves up to fill the numerous voids this fucked concept has created.

via Defense News.
The Army is returning to what it did prior to years of operations in the Middle East and will design division-based formations that do not look the same.

For example, McCurry said, “a light infantry division is more reliant on mobility than a heavy division is from the air, those soldiers have to move, rapidly reposition. We’re putting more [UH-60] Black Hawk [utility helicopters] into the light divisions and taking some of those Black Hawks out of the heavy divisions and heavy divisions remain focused on lethality.”

For the 101st Airborne Division, the Army is building an extra battalion of 32 CH-47F Chinook cargo helicopters to enable air assault. “That helps with the mobility and the ability to do air assault in that division,” he said.


This restructuring isn't simply about making their light infantry more mobile.  Its about flexing into new roles.

Once the V-280 hits its gonna be hell on wheels.

The V-280 will enable a unit like the 101st (that already does the ship thing on the regular) to conduct long range assault from the sea onto targets on land.  The Black Hawk will be a nice interim step but full realization will come with the V-280.

Too many Force Design advocates remain in the upper echelon of the Marine Corps.  They've buried their fangs into the floor boards and will not look at the world and realize that their concept is fucked beyond recognition.

They will continue to push the concept behind closed doors while the Commandant does a little window dressing to keep critics at bay.

Decisions have consequences. 

Force Design 2030 has succeeded in doing only one thing.

Force Design 2030 is on track to make the Marine Corps a service that only provides ship board security, participates in small inconsequential raids and provides the Congress/President awesome parades in DC.

I give it 20 years and the Marine Corps could/should lose its separate service status.

Heavy Patria 6x6 armoured vehicles.


Perspective is everything. Impressions can be misleading. I think 6x6 and I think a smaller vehicle than an 8x8. In this age that's totally wrong. Perspective is everything but looking at this beast its not as small as I imagined. Its big. This thing makes an LAV-25 look like a jeep.

Open Comment Post. 26 Apr 24


Wanna be a true Grey Man? Don't drive fancy cars in the age of out of control crime!

This isn't the first time I've seen stuff like this. Guy has a nice sports car. Maybe even his dream car. Some goon decides he wants what isn't his and follows him home. The end result this time? A happy ending (relatively). The bad guy is apparently seriously injured but the car is smashed, depending on the jurisdiction and how the DA acts/believes he MIGHT be facing criminal charges himself.

The sad reality?

Its America 2024.

You got to live low.  

No fancy jewelry you're flashing in the world.  No fancy cars that grab attention.  Expensive suits...whatever your infatuation is has to be over.

The reality sucks.  People work hard for nice things I get it.  But there be monsters lurking the streets and instead of working for things they'd rather take it.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Louisiana is finally going hard core on child rapist and I couldn't be happier

Physical castration PLUS 50 years in prison with good time reduced significantly due to a REAL Republican Governor? Yeah. This will work. This dude is about to catch hell. His test levels are gonna plummet. His estrogen levels are gonna rise to obscene levels and he's going to prison with some real convicts that luv to beat on and shank pedos? I couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Our British allies with their usual bullshit....

After we've exhausted all other options? Hey fuck face, the option I had in mind was to take care of America first. Europe is your problem. As a matter of fact how about you rejoin the EU and bring the band back together before lecturing the very hand that feeds your country's delusions of grandeur. Europe might be special to the elite but its just another big ass burden to the most of the US.

Test launch of South Korean CTM-290 ballistic missile for Poland.

Totally at the mercy of street trash...


If this security person isn't working out like a madman, changing his diet and engaged in some serious martial arts training then he needs to be tested for drug use. I can't even imagine being in that position/being at the total mercy of some street trash. If this wasn't a change your life moment then this dude isn't paying attention.

All the Ukraine supporters state that Russia will invade the Baltics if Ukraine loses. How can they know? Why aren't they being challenged on that assertion?


Sen Graham was on Fox News Sunday and was talking about Ukraine. With damn near foam flying out his mouth he stated that the Baltics would be invaded if Ukraine fell. He's not the first to make that statement. What I don't understand is how they could know. Why aren't they being challenged on that assertion?

Why would Russia, after a grueling fight in Ukraine, suddenly pivot and attack NATO?

Hell he's already fighting NATO intel, battlefield ISR, contractors and supply lines.

This war would already be over if it was simply Ukraine vs Russia.

So I ask again.  Why are they so confident that Russia would attack a 32 member alliance after their fight with Ukraine?

Make it make sense!

Open Comment Post. 24 Apr 24


“Only a few prefer liberty—the majority seek nothing more than fair masters.”

― Sallust (86-34 B.C.)

US Army takes delivery of the M10 Booker. Drinks the USMC's milkshake and laughs ....


Are you watching what the US Army is doing?

Are you making note of how they're evolving their Airborne/Light Infantry force?

They are upgrading them to a point where they're not only flexing FULLY into the forcible entry/rapid deployment realm (that they already were fully part of) but they're making them flexible enough to fight UP and DOWN the spectrum of combat.

They've achieved nirvana.  

They've finally out Marine Corps'ed the Marine Corps!

The USMC went out on a tangent, decided to chance ghosts/transformation or whatever you want to call the abomination known as Force Design 2030, foolishly decided to abandon its role as America's 911 force and the US Army is happily stepping into the void.

They're drinking our milkshake, laughing in our face and about to make a serious run at Congress in a year or two talking about their expanded roles and how they need more funding in order to meet the looming threat.

Because the so called brains and the arrogance of those that pushed Force Design 2030 so hard birthed and because of how they've fractured the Marine Corps family (only those that have skin in the game count), the traditional rally around the Marine Corps flag is over with (many will forgive them....I can't).

They touted Force Design 2030 as guaranteeing the Marine Corps future.

They were wrong.

They risked the future chasing a fantasy.  They fucked up bad and it will take serious dose of humility, acknowledgement of how off track they were and a campaign of repairing the damage they did (both materially and morale wise) to have a chance for survival.

Things are bad in Marine land.

Panzergrenadier Brigade 37 practice water crossings, urban warfare & house to house fighting

Has the definition of "urban" warfare changed and now is differentiated from "house to house" fighting?

Sunday, April 21, 2024

These are the people that are being supported by the fake ass protests...

You can hate MTG all you want but she has some points...


The vote is disgusting to the Republican base so why did so many Representatives support it...


The ask was simple.

Before you spend another dollar on your pet war, you must get us border security.

It didn't happen.  That promise to Republican voters was forgotten in microseconds after they said it.

Do they really believe that this will be forgotten?

Republicans just passed the Democrat Presidents agenda, have mounted no credible pushback against his agenda and have in essence proven that we are under one party rule.

Our govt is horribly broken.

Future USMC Artillery. JLTV (ROGUE Fires) based, robotic (x-box controller) and still vulnerable (hacking and enemy fires)...

Ya know what has me so mind fucked with this push by transformationalist? They've thrown away another one of the calling cards of the Marine Corps. AFFORDABILITY and VALUE to the taxpayer.

One of the bragging points of the Marines and one of the major talking points to the Congress was how affordable the Marine Corps was and how much tremendous value the service brought to the nation.

That is no longer the case.

You can look at the aviation side.

Instead of getting hand me downs from the Navy and Army we have a whole fleet of exotic aircraft that underperform.  From the F-35 (you might make a case for the B model if you were talking expeditionary base ops in support of Marines on the ground but buying the C version instead of Super Hornets along with the Navy made NO SENSE!) to the MV-22 that has shown me no advantages except for speed over the UH-60 and onto the CH-53K.

There are aircraft that we could have bought piggyback that would have saved the taxpayer money, brought us damn near the same capability and would highlight our value.

The ground side?

It held true to its roots longer but its followed the same path in the end.

Rogue Fires?  Don't understand it.  If you can credibly stretch the JLTV to carry MLRS pods, keep it manned well ok, but this thing in this way?


What are they seeing in those briefs that would have them taking these nonsensical future leaps?  Robotic vehicles have been tested since 2000!  Remember the TerraMax?

We've been dealing with this dream for a long time.  Maybe wait for the tech instead of pushing for the dream.  Maybe wake up.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The traitors cheer but we are not amused....

The US Border is wide open. They told us they carried but they really don't. Ukraine isn't our problem. They flood that corrupt country with our money and cheer. We are fucked. Can we actually get this country on the right track? Confidence is not high. There are interests that operate against the will of the American people that have more sway over the Congress than the people that vote.

US House Representatives are waving Ukrainian flags while giving away US taxpayer dollars. Who do they work for again???

Fat ass hippo don't realize how fucking stupid she looks waddling around with foreign flags in her nasty paws.

More on the Seattle PD mag dump . Dude shot was a pedo