Monday, May 24, 2010

Think Tanks says Britan should bail on the JSF.

A reassessment of “big ticket” projects, which are inappropriate for Britain’s security needs in the 21st Century. The aircraft carrier/F-35 programme should be cancelled and Trident scaled down before more money is wasted.
Once they cancel these programs.  Once the HMS Ocean is retired.  What then? 


  1. Then the UKRN would be a pure amphib navy, having to rely on Albion type LPDs and Bay class LSDs, and heavily depend on the USN/USMC for fixed wing support.

    There is no way that the UK will give up its Trident capability, because that is the price for a seat on the UNs Security Council. So I wouldn't be surprised if the carriers (one at the least) will be cancelled or put into 'deep reserve'.

    Selling one to India as some proposed might earn some cash to keep at least one afloat - better just one than none at all.

  2. Perhaps the UK can't afford to be in the power projection business anymore.

  3. Without the UK being a military power then Europe becomes a two headed monster.

    The French will become the military king because of their spending and diverse force and the Germans will be the economic queen because of their vibrant economy.

    The UK helped balance them Aircraft carrier and JSF means that they're no longer a player.

  4. The UK as an island nation cannot afford NOT to be in the power projection business.

    With so many overseas territories and interests ranging from Belize to Brunei, I daresay that the UK has ample reasons to keep a viable deployable naval carrier force at sea.

    A last ditch effort may be that the UK buys a carrier, but not the F-35B and will be content (as in forced) to use it as a helo "commando" carrier, until a useable UAV is available to replace the aging RAF Harriers.

    (STOBAR Typhoons are nice, but just as unaffordable as F-35Bs)

  5. Perhaps they need another Falklands War to accept the current geopolitical situation. The need more guns than ever if they are to maintain what they've tried to build for themselves for the past 20 years. They've pushed for the world power role, they need to stomach to deal with it.


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