Tuesday, May 25, 2010

XM25 explained.

Hat-tip to Tactical Life.com.

I don't know who that is that's giving the briefing on this weapon system but I do know that their is no way in hell this can be used under the current rules of engagement.

If an enemy soldier is spotted shooting from inside a building, you are not allowed to return fire against the building.  You can engage the shooter.  Do whatever it takes to time him up and hit him but you cannot target the building....you know the worry about civilian casualties and all that.

With that being said I can't see the joy the Army has in fielding this weapon.  Its a lawyers dream and a soldiers nightmare.

This has pre-trial confinement written all over it.


  1. I'm not clear what the range is over the current 40mm, but especially in open mountaineous terrain the XM-25 could be king. Talibs are mountain goats in that they prefer to attack and ambush from high ground and dispersed positions. Instead of calling in mortar or air-strikes with the dreaded 'danger close' call, the XM-25 could be pretty effective.

    But you're right; in urban/MOUT situations the disadvantage is obvious.

  2. Yeah range has to be the biggest consideration but for example, in the assault on our outposts the better weapon would have been mortars. 60mm or 81mm doing the hard work of keeping them down and picking them off hills.

    I still think this is another weapon system in search of a mission instead of a system thats fulfilling a mission.

  3. whats so bad about it? youre not targeting a house. youre targeting the window and the room. its not a super big round so collateral damage should be low.

  4. what's bad is that with the current rules of engagement, you'll be setting yourself up for jail if you use it as intended.

    you're suppose to identify your target, this weapon is for use in full scale combat, not a counter insurgency.

  5. John, those bad guys are often in houses with innocent people. This isn't a war anymore where you can just blow up anything you want.

    It is an occupation and counter-insurgency. They have to pick their targets. Unless you've got x-ray vision that usually means no blowing up houses.


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