Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Is the Israeli Army losing its professionalism?

Dancing while on patrol?  They've lost their minds.  Oh and how about the propaganda victory for the terrorist?


  1. this can't be legit...i mean really...that aside its quite funny

  2. i'll link to the news story but its legit.

    funny as hell but troubling when you think about it....a combat patrol and you go through the trouble to set up a music video? and then to do it in a danger area?????

    somebody was smoking crack. i don't care if you have another squad providing over watch that's incredibly risky and stupid....i could see it if you had a battalion out there with you but that doesn't appear to be the case.

    this is how you end up with soldiers kidnapped...this kind of laxity will get people killed.

  3. It was filmed in a completely Jewish area of Hebron; no one was in any danger. But it is being considered a breach of discipline (just like similar videos of American troops in Iraq I have seen) and it now seems that the patrol commander and the other soldiers will be brought up on charges. I agree that this wasn't well thought out.

  4. For instance:


    Marines, no less.

  5. i read your comment Jon...those little punks were inside the wire when they pulled that "ghost ride" bullshit and trust me...i know for a FACT that they got a nice big dose of NJP served with extra duty.

    the news story said that the Israeli's were on a combat patrol. get made with the media not me if the facts weren't right...but it would help if the MoD put out the real facts instead of going black on this.

  6. Solomon, I think the affair is still under investigation, as they say, so all of the facts aren't out. As for where it took place, well, I know that street. I'm also pretty sure that everyone involved are going to have very sore sphincters soon.

  7. It also goes to show, whether in the IDF or the USMC, when you have a group of bored young men, nonsense will ensue. Boys will be boys.

  8. *points to Jon* - "See boss? Even crack teams do it! So let me Moonwalk dammit!"

  9. The soldiers are 20 years old kids.Remember when you was a 20yo.

  10. ok, then since everyone wants to focus on the micro let me refocus you on the macro...

    a few weeks ago the failed interception at sea of the blockade runners...rather the public relations failure of that operation....before that the failed operations against the tunnels running into Egypt...before that the failed operations in the Gaza strip (rocket fire continues)...before that the failed operation in Lebanon.

    lets face it. the lions of the desert appear to be wearing dentures.

    that's what i mean by Israel losing its professionalism. they're like 0-7

  11. Funny, but really not the best time to pull this little stunt, especially with all of those failures already laid out before them.

  12. I am curious to see the end of the investigation. The truth is that it doesn't really matter, the harm was already done. The news alert said that they where on combat patrol, this and only this would be remembered, no matter the truth.

  13. another good point Alex.

    maybe i should have labeled this as being a public relations issue and not a professionalism issue.

    all any and everyone will remember is that an Israeli patrol were dancing while on Combat Patrol. even if its not true thats the lasting impression.

  14. Haha that was pretty funny. Hopefully nothing happens to them.


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