Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A few observations on the proposed burning of the Quran (some politically incorrect).

Ok, here are a few observations on this controversy.

1.  This story exploded after General P made his comments on it.  Before then this was mainly a beltway story.  If he hadn't commented and the State Dept and other religious leaders would this have been the big news that it is?  I simply look at the kooks that protest outside military funerals.  Wouldn't this have been the same deal...religious kooks not worthy of attention?

2.  This can't be good for Democrats.  Have you noticed the one person that hasn't touched this story?  President Obama is laying low.  As a matter of fact even the State Dept waited until General P made his comment before piping up.
     I wonder if they're sensitive about his administrations Islamic outreach.

3.  Have you noticed that outside of the cultural elite in D.C. and New York, this story isn't exactly stoking the imagination of the public?  Much like the outrage in those places over opposition to the Mosque at Ground Zero, the public and the elite seem to be in two different places on this issue (I could be wrong but in the South, it seems that people really don't care).

4.  Did you notice that with this controversy, the FBI has announced that they would increase investigations of hate crimes against Muslims?  Perhaps there is actually an increase in threats and crimes but the announcement seems strangely coincidental.

5.  When Berg and other Americans/Europeans have been beheaded in Iraq and Afghanistan did you see the same religious leaders that are speaking out now speak out then?  I didn't.

I make these observations without a dog in this fight.  To be honest I don't care, but my observations of the mood of the people in flyover country leads me to believe that the so called uptick in Muslim "hatred" is really just a weariness with the demands being placed on us by those countries and there peoples.

We are asked to accept the building of a Mosque at a place where 3000 civilians lost there lives...we're asked to condemn the burning of the Quran when the burning of bibles and flags is ignored and considered protected....the Dems and the elite are really barking up the wrong tree.

I really think that they've mishandled this and elevated it to a level that could have been avoided.


  1. Gen. P made an error by making this a bigger deal than it should have been considering the mosque thing is already out there anyway. On the other hand, the Liberal media, academia, and the cultural elite like to jump on these type of stories as proof of the rightness of their inclusiveness and their moral superiority over the rest of us.

    Whether the FBI actions are politcally motivated or not, I welcome it. I have worked with many Muslims down here in Fl and have been appaled at the blatant rascism and bigotry they faced while on the job. Why some of them never filed a lawsuit is beyond me.

    Morever, I find the whole mosque thing puzzling, since some people can't draw a differecne between some kooks using religion as an excuse for violence, and the religion itself.

    Either way I'm tired of being lectured about how I should feel and think about such issues.

  2. It's always funny to take an objective look at the left these days and the comparison between the GZM and the Quran burning is valid!

    In the GZM case we are reminded that First Amendment rights are absolute and do not require the consent of the American people. They ignore the potential harm this symbol will create, which COULD indeed someday result in loss of life.

    In the Quran case we are being told this pastor should cancel the burning because it is insensitive and inapropriate. The fear of added US casualties is front and center.

    My view is consistent; both have the First Amendment rights to continue but both are lacking in common sense and decency. Our founders required neither as a test in the Bill of Rights.

    It's just funny to see the left contruct tests for civil rights to meet thier guidelines (and there are numerous other examples).

  3. Drake 1.
    The problem I have with the FBI is the idea of hate crimes...guess what. If a white guy kills a white guy, its a hate crime. If a black guy kills a black guy its a hate crime. I guess what I'm saying is that there is a need to investigate crime where ever it happens but no need to add artificial labels. Plus you have to add into all this the destruction of Mosques is plain arson...why someone did it is impossible to tell---we can't get into one's head so investigate it as such....but to call something a hate crime seems----like speculation and a feel good move....other than that small issue I totally agree.

  4. Resident Author.

    Preaching to the choir Sir!

    I totally agree!

  5. I wasn't in favor of that hate crime law, but alas it's been passed so everything is now a hate crime.

  6. There are indeed certain parallels between the Ground Zero "Islamic Center" and the Koran burnings. Both are well within their First Amendment's rights and both are terrible ideas.


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