Friday, December 17, 2010

Defense Tech on General Dynamics Flyer...


Kinda makes the USMC's choice of the Growler look to be the wrong one. I guess the only real question is ... how much????  Oh and can it tow the 120mm Mortar?


  1. yeah, this kicks the Growler's ass.

  2. i would have to agree but the question much?

  3. With all those electronic gizmos, it must be nearly as expensive as an Osprey!

    It does look superior to the Growler, longer wheel base for one.

  4. yeah but i just wonder how effective all these vehicles really will be.

    an internally carried vehicle? heck it might be cheaper to build an aerodynamic box to put them in while you sling load a legacy hummer.

    either way, it looks like AF Special Ops and Para-Rescue are going to be getting one heck of a cool toy.

    my only wonder is ... will the Marine Corps take a new look at a stripped down model?

  5. Yes the Marines did overlook several other candidates for their ITV rqmt. And now more possibilities are coming forward. I like to point to Force Protection's JAMMA at this link:

    AND I would be very hesistant to buy ANY vehicle from GD. They only know what some other company they bought tells them about military vehciles, methinks?

  6. i covered the Jamma already.

    to be honest it didn't appear to offer much improvement over the Growler this does......

    why no love for GD? they're arguably the premier maker of armored vehicles in the a matter of fact the only competition is BAE and they have similar operating philosophies (acquisitions)


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