Monday, March 21, 2011

Combat in Libya, the perfect advertisement for the F-35B.


USS Kearsarge, at sea   — In an effort to safeguard the Libyan populace and infrastructure in and around the city of Ajdabiyah from further attacks by regime forces, 26th MEU, as part of Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn, launched a second round of strikes by AV-8B Harrier jump jets, March 20. Conditions set forth by the U.N. Security Council towards resolving the unrest in Libya included the removal of Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qadhafi’s forces from Ajdubiyah. These latest strikes by the MEU aimed at preserving the sanctity of the city and the safety of the civilians within it.
“Our primary concern was ensuring the people inside Ajdubiyah were safe from Qadhafi’s artillery and tanks,” said Col. Mark J. Desens, commanding officer of 26th MEU. “Everything we are seeing following these strikes indicates that his forces are now less capable of threatening the town than before.”
Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. UNSCR 1973 authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces. JTF Odyssey Dawn is commanded by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III.
A couple of points so obvious I missed it (thanks Sferrin!)...

1.  Big carriers won't always be around.
2.  STOVL aircraft operating from LHD's is reaffirmed as a sound tactic.
3.  The Marine neck down strategy (if followed) was sound and cost effective.
4.  Forward deployed units are not to be underestimated.

In short, this conflict and the role of the Harrier is perfect advertisement for the STOVL capable F-35B.  If we were going against a more formidable enemy then its stealth features, ability to operate from LHD's and if the taking of territory were called for, its ability to operate from forward operating bases would prove battle winning.

Combat in Libya.  The perfect advertisement for the F-35B.


  1. well i have said this before, i like the F35 series, and that includes the B, but you have to hand it to the harrier for being so effective for so long for so many nations! :)

  2. It just shows the Harrier is underestimated again, and how desperately we will need a replacement for it, the F-35B!

  3. Let's not go crazy here. There are, what, 4 Harriers in this operation? Out of 60 or 70 total coalition fighter bombers.

    They are handy because they are local, but four aircraft just can't do that much.

    Sitting deck alert with V-22s for CSAR or reactive CAS might be their best use.


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