Friday, November 04, 2011

How is the XM-25 doing in Afghanistan?

Tactical Life is reporting that XM-25 is undergoing further testing.  My question is this.  How is it doing in Afghanistan?  If I remember correctly this puppy was suppose to have already been deployed yet I haven't heard a peep about it since.

1 comment :

  1. Hey, SNAFU

    Well, it really should be referred to at the M-25, for that obvious reason. And the troops in A-stan have another name for it. The "Punisher". Five were delivered last November and first saw combat on Dec. 3. By February it was reported that 55 smart-shells had been fired and in nine firefights. A name had come up under the unit, that being Brigadier General Peter Fuller, boss of the US army's Program Executive Office - Soldier.

    It was reported that the M-25's formal assessment period ended in January and normally it would have been withdrawn from the field at that stage, pending a further decision. However, it seems that troops in the field have asked to keep the new weapon for a while longer and it remains in the field. That was February.

    James Dunnigan, from Strategy Pages (June), reported that thirty-six more where being hand-built and ready by late 2012, and thousands (12,000 TBE) more by 2014. That link here:



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