Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pic of the day.

Apache helicopters of the Israeli and Hellenic Air Forces fly together in a joint aerial exercise. These types of exercises are a central aspect of the Israel-Greece military cooperation.Photo by Israel Air Force.

A couple of things about this photo that the IDF is highlighting as its pic of the day.  First this photo was taken in July of this year.  Is this part of the propaganda effort against Iran?  Second, its hard to miss the Israeli Apache's operating with fuel tanks in the pic.  Lastly what's with all the training with European countries?  They practically have a base in Romania and they're drilling their asses off with the Greeks, but nothing with the French, Germans or UK.  Is there a split in the EU with regards to Israel or is it simply a military issue?  I don't know but will be asking.


  1. well weren't they training with Italy recently? it seems to me Greece, Italy and Romania are close to Isreal to give them good training while still relevant to their missions, french and German militaries may not have the terrain/units they need to train with, but i am just throwing ideas out there.

  2. I'm with Joe, but I'd like to add a couple of things:

    * Politics: "German/French armed forces train the next child killers, news at 9"

    * Culture & money: Romania probably has a certain nervous eye eastwards. And it's probably cheaper to train there.

    Take care,
    Ferran, BCN

  3. Not Solomon, my guess that was in response to Turkey their relationship with the biggest army on the NATO (after USA) are not the best.
    a_Since the "flotilla" incident Turkey have been cold with Israel.
    b_Turkey asked USA for the source codes for their F-16 with out it they will not be able to fire against Israel, as their places will see Israel planes as friends.
    c_The exercises Israel-Turkey have been suspended.
    c_Playing with Greece (Turkey enemy by history) is a way to say to Turkey hey dude we are not alone.


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