Sunday, December 11, 2011

Silencers in use by Designated Marksmen

Just noticed in these pics that I posted earlier that either an assigned Sniper or a unit Designated Marksman is using a silencer on his weapon.

Absolutely awesome.

I do wonder what happened to the initiative that was to see silencers become widely used by all Infantry Marines though.  It would make sense and its something that we can get done today.


  1. Swift Silent Deadly would take a whole new meaning with Fleet wide suppressor deployment.

  2. imagine walking into a complex ambush and not being able to determine where you're taking fire from?

    almost a nightmare scenario. add to it the possibility of actually having the enemy attempt to escape your ambush by running into your blocking force and not even realize it because they're shooting silenced and flash suppressed weapons.


  3. Suppressed weapons are the future. Just expensive, and you do lose some power but well worth the trade off

  4. Are any suppressors bayonet compatible? Or, can they be rapidly swapped out? Bayonets fit the force escalation step for close quarters in between pepper spray and emptying the magazine. They are wonderful for crowd control.

  5. bayonet compatible? nope. but if you've got bayonets attached you might as well shoot them. both are considered "deadly" force and the bayonet has gone out of fashion for crowd control....i don't think i've seen it used in crowd control at all...historically i think they were last used in the US back during the 60's.

  6. ...and maybe I wouldn't be half deaf right now!

  7. Sol when we did the NEO in Albania in 1997 we landed with fixed bayonets. Google Operation Silver Wake and you'll see us with dull assed Bayonets on the prone. It was ridiculous beyond words.

  8. Mounted bayonets in haiti and that calmed a crowd real quick. I hope suppressers start making a bigger apprence in the corps


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