Thursday, April 19, 2012

Game fucking over.

Read this bullshit at Marine Times.

The Marine Corps is beyond fucked.  You want the truth.  The truth is women can't stand up to the physical rigors of Infantry warfare.  This pussified Commandant and his cohorts are about to make a mockery of the Corps all to be politically correct.

This is fucked up.

h/t B5 which probably has a much more acceptable stance on this subject.

I've been thinking this for awhile now and this confirms it.

We're seeing the poorest leadership in the history of the Marine Corps.  AMOS is a definite no-go.  I just wish he had daughters to stuff in a foxhole with a male Marine.  I wish he had daughters that HE was pushing to join the Infantry.  Oh and our SgtMaj of the Marine Corps is suddenly no where to be found or heard???  Interesting.

I hope a Republican is elected in November and I hope he sacks the entire sorry group.  Fuck'em all.


  1. This politically correct shit is bad enough, but when it starts getting men killed in battle then it's gone too damn far!

  2. what gets me is that this is all part of Obama's politics. he's trying to show that he's a champion of womens rights so who does he go to? the USMC and he shows that he can even bully this poor dumbass Commandant around.

    gays in the military and now women in combat units? i might have to shut this blog down...i can't take much more of this!

  3. "As part of the service’s extensive research campaign to determine what additional jobs could be opened to women.."

    This does not put woman in infantry roles. It is part of a research campaign.

    "Starting in May, women will be considered for about 400 positions within six types of battalions:

    • Amphibious assault

    • Artillery

    • Combat assault

    • Combat engineer

    • Low-altitude air defense

    • Tank."

    Amphibious assault or combat assault? Maybe not.

    The rest? Hmm.


    "The Marine Corps defines gender-neutral physical standards as being identical for men and women, rather than weighted — or “gender-normed” —"

    If women (or some women) can hack it, then why not let them in?

  4. dude.

    how many artillery units were made provisional infantry companies? and you know what the dirty fucking secret is????

    they'll lower standards so women can make it. you won't even be able to have the same standards for pt so how are you gonna have the same standards when it comes to movements to objectives? how is a 120 pound female gonna buddy carry a 190 pound male????

    you're smoking crack and being politically correct. i can tell by that very statement that you haven't been within two miles of a line company.

  5. It sounds like they don't intend to lower the standards. But if they do, that would be a problem.

  6. uh yeah they;'re gonna lower the standards. thats a given. its fucking automatic.

    why do you think that they have separate boot camps? why do you think that they separate OCS schools?

    men and women are physically different and no matter how pussified men become, the real men that are hardcore will always no the difference.

    real combat is not a video game where the average woman kicks the average guys ass without a problem.

    look at it like this. a world class female athelete will still not be as strong as the upper half of high school football players.

    so yeah its gonna be a problem and they fucking know it.

  7. @B.Smitty quoting from your own bio "I am not, and have never been, in the military." Game, set, match. You're way out of your element, bro - and I use the term "bro" advisedly. You may at any time express your opinion, however, the fact that you can do so in no way imputes any value to what you say/write. If you haven't been there, you don't know.

  8. "The Marine Corps defines gender-neutral physical standards as being identical for men and women, rather than weighted — or “gender-normed” — like those applied in the service’s annual Physical Fitness Test. During the PFT, women can earn a minimum or maximum score with fewer repetitions and a slower run times than their male counterparts.

    This suggests that women wanting to serve in ground combat units will be given the shot to do so only if they can keep pace with their male counterparts. Standards would likely evaluate Marines not as women and men, but simply as infantrymen, tank crewmen or artillerymen, for example."

    Before you get all "you ain't been there and done that" maybe you should read the article YOU posted.

  9. you're not getting it! if they're changing the standards from what currently exists then they're lowering them so that women can make it!

    they realize that if the standards remain the same women wouldn't last 5 minutes.

    DAMN! stop being such a metrosexual and let your balls grow back.

  10. Dude. I said before, if they lower the standards as a result of this, then I disagree with it. That wasn't my read from the article.

    If they aren't, and some women can hack the standard, then why not let them in?

  11. because. you're on deployment to Afghanistan. you have one...maybe two females in the entire company. you have a whole herd of hard dicks hanging around. how do you keep them from playing fuck fuck games.

    how do you keep moral if she's screwing two guys in the unit cause she likes them? how about the other guys? how is she going to keep clean? do i have to set up separate facilities for her to use or is she going to squat over a slit trench while everyone else is standing.

    what about some ignorant goon that decides he wants to rape her. now i have two self inflicted casualties and my combat strength goes down. what about getting pregnant in a combat zone?

    too many problems not enough payback.

  12. Everyone needs to seriously calm down on this one. Rely on the discipline and professionalism of the Marine Corps (male and female) to make this happen.

  13. I'm surprised it didn't come sooner. Two separate standards for PT.

    Read this from a female Marine written in the Washington Post top see how this is going to be sold to the unwitting public.

  14. I have no problem with women serving in a combat arms role, but they have to meet the same physical standards I have to both strength and body fat wise and also be on birth control during a work up and deployment phase.. and this is the stuff I feel comfortable posting.

    The above article is......... intrestng.

  15. yeah they better be on birth control. half the damn company will impregnate the chick. the other half will be on charges for trying to rape her.


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