Thursday, April 19, 2012

To: Huron Serenity.

To:  Huron Serenity


If you don't like my site, then don't come to my site.  You stupid, arrogant ass bitch!


  1. I was merely trying to give you some facts, buddy.

  2. Regardless, you do make ignorant remarks. It is not my problem if you get offended when people point out your ignorance.

  3. my blog my rules you little bitch. like i said pussy. you don't like it then don't come here. i'm really tired of you and your buddies over at APA. you really have no idea how much i would love to just rip your head off do you? life is weird boy. one day you might have the pleasure of running into me. i guarantee you'll leave a changed whatever it is you are.


    i'm tired of bitting my tongue and give little piss ants like you the time of day. long story short. i fucking despise you and i've never met you. just leave bitch. go to SOFREP...they have a bunch of soft spoken pussies where you'll feel right at home with.

  4. We've clashed before and I'm still here. The blog is awesome and I'd miss it. Let it go.


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