Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ooops. Uh-oh.

Quite honestly I wonder why this isn't being talked about more.

This is really a history 101 kind of thing.  Basic American history taught in elementary school should have provided the knowledge necessary to steer clear of this controversy.

Now you know why I don't trust politicians to make the militarily smart choice.  If you don't know history...


  1. Nothing to see here, just our ass-hat in chief not using his teleprompter.

  2. Aushwitz was in Poland. I don't think the President was implying the Poles were responsible any more than calling it the "Bataan Death March" somehow implies Phillipino responsibility. More false outrage from Obama-haters.

  3. you better give the Poles a heads up because they've called it an "ignorant" statement....and even more.

    sorry buddy. just call it what it is.

  4. We're not hearing more of it because the MSM is pro-Obama. Just more idiocy from Mr. 57-States himself.

  5. You honestly believe this statement reflects a belief that Auschwitz was run by Poles? I'll call that what it is: ideology overcoming common sense, or, to use Tusk's term: ignorance.

  6. naw you don't get to do that. you can't change the conversation. you said that Obama haters were pumping it up. i personally don't have any feelings towards the guy. both the Republicans and Democrats are juiced....only Ron Paul would really have tried to change the system. but you said that Obama haters were behind the minor controversy and I told you that the Poles had a problem with it.

    so deal with truth....not fiction...not things as you wish they with reality.

  7. Sol, my point is the President's statement is only "ignorant" if its made with the belief that the Poles ran Auschwitz, a belief that even Donald Trump would be ashamed to accuse the President of holding. So, the Polish Prime Minister is grandstanding, that makes two groups of people that think this is a big deal: Grandtanding Polish Prime Ministers and Obama-haters.

  8. explain this to me.

    why is it so hard for the Obama faithful to simply say...our guy fucked up? Bush loyalist can do it...Reagan lovers can do it...everyone can do it for someone they're a fan of except Obama loyalist.

    i don't understand it. the guy is human ... he fucks up ... he doesn't walk on water ..

  9. Oh, he clearly fucked up, all I'm saying was it was a poorly chosen word and not a reflection of an ignorance of history as some are implying.


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