Friday, June 15, 2012

Eurosatory. A complete bust.

Eurosatory was a complete bust.

The industry didn't wow and the military journalist covering the show laid an egg too.  As far as coverage of the show is concerned only Tamir Eshel of Defense Update really shined.

All the old journalistic standbys looked old...stale...and more interested in schmoozing with industry officials instead of getting the news out on happenings in the defense realm.

As far as the industry is concerned...consolidation has to be coming.  The only "new" product that even began to give me the "wow" factor was the CRAB and that appears to be a Fennec repeat (meaning a French version of a German vehicle)...

This show sucked.  The upcoming Paris Air Show probably won't be any better.  Until the crisis in Europe, the Middle East and the economies around the world are in better shape I wouldn't count on much more than product improved vehicles.

What does that mean for the Marine Corps?

It means that the Commandant probably lied when he said that he would be driving the Amphibious Combat Vehicle before his term was over.  The Marine Personnel Carrier might morph into the ACV and the improved AAV might have to soldier on another 20 years.

The US Marine Corps has sold its soul to the aviation side of the house.  It might mean that a swing from a medium weight force to a Commando type force might be in the future.

That would mean a Marine Corps that is more akin to the 101st Airborne than the all purpose, hard charging formation that it is today.

Sherpard Media also deserves a hat tip on its Eurosatory coverage.  

1 comment :

  1. the crab is really interesting, i wonder if you can extend it a little more and make it into a light APC, something that can carry 6 or so dismounts?


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