Friday, July 13, 2012

Fuck! The last bastion of masculinity in the Marine Corps is under assault!

Check this out from BattleRattle.
In a letter to Commandant Gen. Jim Amos, the group wrote, “We believe that, by aligning with the UFC, an organization that has tolerated homophobia, misogyny, and hate speech, the Marine Corps is violating its stated commitment of ‘maintaining dignity and respect for one another.’ Homophobia and hatred, in any form, are not consistent with the values that make the Marines an elite fighting force.”
In recent weeks, other military branches have been urged to cut sport sponsorship ties. In June, the Army announced it would no longer sponsor NASCAR following pressure by lawmakers in support of a House amendment to the 2012 defense spending bill. The proposal would make military sponsorship of sports illegal. In Monday’s edition of Marine Corps Times, Gina Harkins will have a report about the relationship between the Marine Corps and the UFC.
What do you think? Should the Marine Corps cut ties with the UFC?
So a couple of guys getting into a ring, having a fight that isn't rigged and ending up with both guys shaking hands at the end of it is homophobic?


Amos will probably go for it.  The pussification of the Marine Corps continues.


  1. The Marines pretty much lost the debate over gays in the military in the Press, so with the budget picture due to get tighter, the Marines doesn't need sponsorships like this which are ripe targets for their detractors to focus on.

    The whole public debate on women in infantry has only just barely begun.

  2. dude we didn't have a debate about gays in the military. we had a declaration by the President and a Commandant and Joint Chiefs of Staff that found different pieces of his ass to kiss (gay joke intentional).

  3. Debate probably wasn't the best choice of words, but the Marines (and their allies in Congress) got panned in press over their opposition on that issue. I remember more than one Washington Post Op-ed writer noting the Marines unlike the other services was the most traditional (that's a typical media code word for nothing good).

    This may not be fair, but that's how I perceived it when reading the news during the time. I see the whole women in infantry issue playing out in the military in a similar fashion.


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