Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Sea Lance. The original LCS. More capable, less costly.

Thanks for the info Lee!

Remember my post on towed missile barges behind an LCS type ship?  I had no idea where it came from, I just did a search for missile barges and got the pic.

Lee did recognize it and it comes from the brainiacs at the Naval Post Graduate School.

A bunch of the egg heads got together and came up with the street fighter concept and even laid out many of its design features.  Only the big Navy could bastardize it to the current LCS concept.  Don't believe me?  Check out their work below.

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  1. Compare the seafighter pic you posted here to what the Houbei class (80+ produced so far) looks like:

  2. yeah they got our concept down better than we did. that's the craziness of it all. they're taking our intellectual property and using it against us. we come up with the concept and they do it to specs while we bastardize our own work.


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