Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is VMA-211 Combat Ineffective?

My buddy Tom hit me with a question that I hadn't considered (thanks bud).

With the destruction of almost half its aircraft is VMA-211 combat ineffective?

By the classic definition the answer is yes.  If I recall correctly once you've lost 1/3rd of your forces then by US standards they've become combat ineffective.  I think the Russians push it to losses of 50 percent.

So not only do we have a loss of fast mover air support over Marine-istan, but we might be looking at the first Marine Corps unit since WW2 that is coded combat ineffective due to enemy action.



    This is the DoD definition, look under the gumball chart section. You wouldn't happen to know how AV-8s VMA-211 has would you?

  2. How about another angle, the USMC is not alone

    The point about coalition operations is that you can rely on others and nowhere is this more evident than Afghanistan

    I understand where you are coming from but just another thought

  3. Yes, VMA- 211 is combat ineffective, Not destroyed in detail not shaken nor stirred.
    1/3rd or a unit with 25% casualties is out of combat.
    Warsaw pact was 50% of a unit and it becomes sidelined and is left behind to fend for itself, Only success would bring re-supply arms and ammunition.
    Weapons systems problems though are measured on the pie chart as 2/3rd losses so even by Russian standards VMI-211 is destroyed as far as combat potential is concerned.;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bDJrbHVzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOARjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1NNRTEzMl8yMTc-/SIG=136pfisrq/EXP=1347853580/**http%3a//


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