Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The hurricane saved the administration from the Libya scandal...

Major Hat Tip to Black5.


  1. I don't think Sandy is going to save the President from this scandal if it can be blown open. With the 24-hour news cycle, the hurricane is already, literally, yesterday's news for most of the country. The Election is still six days away. Not only is this maybe the most important Election for generations to come, but six days is a long time for the scandal to break.

  2. Yes, because everyone, including Fox news and the Romney/Ryan bullshit machine (See Jeep moving to China) hasn't really been working the Libya story...all it needs is a little more attention after this Hurricane thing dies down...pack your bags and buckle in for four more years of prudent foreign policy and discredited neocon dickheads like Dan Senor maintaining private sector employment


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