Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't lie. You would shit your pants.


  1. Sorry, Mr. Bear. Was this your tree? My mistake.

  2. Have you ever actually seen someone shit their pants from fear? Everyone says that, including me, but does it ever actually happen?

  3. Having had two close encounters with Mr. Bear in my life time, that clip was getting my blood pumping. That guy kept his cool or was too terrified to react. Had that Bear put his weight on the tree stand both could have hit the ground and likely the Bear would have come out on top.
    Paw strike from that distance? Nothing that guy could have done and all he said was "holy sh#t"?

  4. One other thought, how could he shoot the bear after an encounter like that? I know I couldn't pull the trigger after that.

    1. why not? first i heard that bear meat isn't bad and second, a bear...even a black bear will rip you apart if it gets a chance...lets not even talk about a grizzly.

    2. Right, bears will eat you given half a chance but that one didn't when he had the chance. When I did scuba diving I refrained from eating shark meat, if I was in that stand, I'd let those two bears walk away just to stay on the good side of karma.
      Having said this, if I had been in his shoes, I'd have shot him as he shimmied up that tree. No question about it. That guy's self control was impressive.

  5. I had a close encounter(50feet) with a brown bear 4 years ago while walking with my dogs ,bear was suprised as we were and stood up on his hind legs and made some growling sounds,but had no intention of getting into anyones face as soon as the dogs backed off(one of the two dogs got the tail between her legs anyway but the other one would take him on if it came to that) he just turned and walked away in no real hurry,99% of the time bears will get out of your way(not with cubs) ,this time wind was probably blowing towards us so he didn't smell us or hear us in advance.My inital reaction i was frozen like this guy for first couple of seconds.

    1. I was fishing at a popular lake about 1 mile above Mammoth Lakes when ma bear and cubs come strolling down the path I had just used. In fact children unaccompanied by adults had gone by earlier. Other than the bears and me, nobody else around and the distance between us was about 50 yards. As soon as she spotted me she took shelter with the cubs behind a large tree. Comical really as the little cubs peaked around the tree to watch me. Mom never took her eyes off me. I was geared up in waders, fly rod and had no chance to escape by foot. I just kept on casting while getting concerned that we had a standoff that she would end. Fortunately after about 10 minutes a pair of fishermen came up the trail, on the opposite side of the lake and I spotted my chance to get rid of the bear. I yelled out to the two if they wanted to see a bear and her cubs! They came over from the far side and as soon as the mom saw them, off they went up the mountain.

      Another time a bear hit my campsite while I was in my bag. That rattled me for days while I was on my trip.


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