Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Our foreign policy is confused at best, fucked up beyond all recognition at worst. Warnings from Egypt.

Thanks goes to Bob for pointing me to ZeroHedge just got added to my must reads 

Note that the Obama Administration put out a message expressing concern that the government overthrew an elected government---even though the military acted at the behest of Egyptian scholars, Christians, the general public and even some Muslim fundamentalist.

I'm operating off instinct but I've cheered this development.  To see that the US government is taking an entirely different tack is telling. Either they support Muslim extremism, defend democratically elected governments no matter how much they veer from democratic rule, or they know something that the public doesn't.

I just don't know.  What I do know is that the Egyptian people are sending us warnings.

See all the pics at ZeroHedge by clicking here...


  1. We need to tell the stupid Egyptians to fuck off.

    They were the idiots who voted in that Morsi in the first.

  2. Not to mention the rapes by the protesters..


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