Monday, December 16, 2013

The UK's next generation boomer. The Successor Class.

A Computer Graphic Image of a Successor class submarine.
The Defence Secretary has announced £79 million of investment in the next generation of Royal Navy submarines.
The Successor submarines, which will carry the UK’s strategic nuclear deterrent will be the largest and most advanced boats operated by the Navy and their design and construction will be the most technologically complex in the history of the UK.
Two contracts worth £47 million and £32 million have been awarded to BAE Systems Maritime-Submarines, based in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, who are leading on the design of the vessels.
The investment will allow BAES, who currently have more than a thousand people working on the Successor programme, to begin work on some initial items for the submarines that are due to replace the Vanguard Class from 2028. It is essential these items, which include structural fittings, electrical equipment, castings and forgings are ordered now to ensure the submarines are able to meet their in service date.


  1. When you know about the actual RN submarine fleet,
    When you know about the Astute Issue,
    You can't even think it's a good idea..
    They had better to buy French or German ( US will humiliate Uk by selling less equipped subs..) but not Spanish ( They currently expect that General dynamics make their subs working )....

    1. ok. i'll bite....

      1. whats the Astute issue?
      2. we share nuclear missiles for subs with the brits so why would we sell a less capable sub?
      3. facts son, not conjecture.

    2. I believe the Astute class has had an incredible amount of mechanical issues and they are corroding very quickly. It is also too slow.

      Also, when a nation builds so few subs, it makes it very hard to iron out kinks in the design.

      the UK will only build 4 Successors, so every one had better be perfect.

  2. The astute is their new Attack submarine class :
    You can see and read about his issues here :

    Submarines aren't very sensible systems : they are ultra sensible system : Selling missile isn't as sensible as selling the entire sub, because even acoustic intel of subs are secret between allies.
    I.E many sub accident are caused by spying between ally subs ( collision between the "Triomphant" and the HMS "Vanguard " )

    1. Do you really think both navies would use a strategic nuclear submarine for this job instead of a nuclear attack submarines? I guess both did not really know what the other submarine was.

      Germany is not in the business of building nuclear powered submarines. The UK and France should try to build their next generation submarines together.

    2. Agreed. But in our both country it's most important to give jobs to R&D than to cooperate...

  3. The Astute might have some problems but every lead ship does. Fix it up right and off you go. British media is different than US media, they love a scandal. And anything that goes wrong in the MoD gets portrayed like a huge episode of general hospital.

  4. I can add this google traducted article from a military blogger. Although the writer is partial, even against France, it's sourced and Facts :

    1. well i'm no sub guy but i would think that if you're going to have any national secret that isn't shared it might apply to your most survivable launch platform. the UK is only doing whats right by building and designing a unique boomer. it makes sense to me. you can share tank or airplane designs but a nuclear missile firing sub? you might want that to be secret...even to allies.

    2. Exactly, that why I don't believe USa will sell exacly the same subs they have in service.
      In Contrary, France Industiral wants desaperatly order of ships, and stupid politics are capable to sell their mother to our worse enemy... Even EPR nuclear plant with plans to China : unbelievable..

  5. Having read the posts so far I only find it fair to point out that having just retired from the RN and been on the acceptance team for Astute as a Submariner with 24 years of service under my belt, I must just correct some of the points made above:
    1. Astute has encountered teething problems but the acoustic signature and underwater speed were never factors.
    2. The performance of the platform so far has been far above expectations and assessed as so by Flag Officer submarines and independently by US Navy sea systems command.
    3. Many aspects of the 'Astute' class remain classified (i.e. the bits that matter!).
    4. As Tom Clancy himself said "There is nothing more effective than a determined British sub commander".
    5. Ask the Argentinians and for that matter the Russian Navy who can attest to efficacy of our submarines and for that matter American subs as well. Both of these nations have paid a high price for tangling with our submarine service.
    6. Don't take my word for it, the platforms themselves will do the talking!

    1. well said. you join my list of subject matter experts...John on the active duty Marine Corps, American Mercenary on the view from the US Army and now my mate Timothy with an eye on UK military matters and in particular the Royal Navy.

      welcome aboard.

  6. As the saying goes Sol, the pleasure is all mine......

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    1. One small nuke here please: 33°31'4.39"N / 36°15'9.62"E
      And a Happy Christmas!

  8. There is no good reason to hide anything from the UK in terms of SSBNs. Our strategic deterrent strategy depends on them. Alert-time responsibilities are coordinated. Do you give the guy covering your back a less-capable weapon? No, that would be silly. A team is as strong as the weakest link. Do you intentionally weaken a link for posturing? No. We even share sailors on occasion.

    The reason the UK might want to build their own is that they may typically have different mission parameters than the U.S. I do know that the UK is looking to make their sub-fleet more dynamic, multi-role, diverse capabilities, going forward. Not much point in hanging on to cold-war patrol standards anymore.
    (An Ohio Class sailor)


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