Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blast from the past---WW2: The L.V.T. (1944)


  1. The 'romance' of Amtracs ?
    AAV-7s are very useful.
    Just not from the USMC's new 65nm out to sea...
    And most ARG Commanders would rather move further out.

    Nostalgia is good.
    History better - like this video.
    But why the frack do I see advertising for Opera on your blog fer camo viola's sake ??

    1. I've got ETSY advertising more than likely because my wife looks at that stuff

      As for the video, show's why the LVT's really help win the war in the Pacific, and how multi-tool a vehicle like it can me

    2. John - agree that the LVT was a true jack of all trades and definitely helped win the Pacific. the best thing about it is that Marines are the ones that decided on the modifications, not engineers in an air conditioned office.

      TwentyTwenty - i don't think its nostalgia, i think its simply an illustration of a great past. as far as what the future holds, its gonna include armor, that armor will swim and it'll trace its roots back to the LVT. as far as the ads well it is a Google site and they use their spyware to tailor ads to individual readers. all i see on my blog are gun ads, weight lifting ads and stuff.


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