Monday, June 23, 2014

Ukraine Civil War News. Pro-Russia Rebels Seize Military Facility along with 221 Tanks/228 APCs.

via Pravda.
Militias of the unrecognized People's Republic of Donetsk took control of the Ukrainian army tank base in the town of Artemovsk.
"At night, we took control of the tank base in Artemovsk, 30 kilometers from Slavyansk. We now have 221 tanks, 288 armored vehicles, 12 self-propelled guns, 18 Grad volley fire systems, 183 infantry fighting vehicles and 12 mortars," the head of the information center "Southeastern Front, Konstantin Knyrik told Interfax.

Earlier, the Ukrainian troops attacked the villages of Semenivka and Nykolaivka. According to self-defense forces, they destroyed a Ukrainian tank, four airborne assault vehicles and a Su-25 fighter jet.
I personally have been keyed on Iraq but that was a serious mistake.

Things are heating up all over.

The Ukrainian Army is getting its ass handed to them and these Pro-Russia rebels are fucking them up something proper.

They now have the ability to launch mechanized attacks....probing attacks...harassing raids force.

If you look at a map of current conflicts then its obvious that at least half the world is at war...Shit is getting real worldwide.  Question.  Does global warming still seem like the most pressing problem facing the US and this administration?  


  1. Man... how do you lose so much military equipment in one go like that?

    1. The same way you loose most of your navy with the russians being kind enough to return back the rust buckets to you.

    2. When you capture a graveyard, base in Artemovsk is one of that type of equipment graveyard. Yes they may capture those vehicles but more then 90% of them is in state of "push if you want to go" and without ammo. But the second problem is really not a problem... Russians will send you some.

  2. We can add that Russia move near the border with Ukraine the core of it's fast reaction forces. 7th, 76th Airborne Divisions, 56th Airborne Brigade and 19th Motorized Brigade. Also President Putin accuse Ukraine of nigh artillery strike towards Russia *cough* Finland "attack" of ZSRR in '39 *cough*

    Couple of experts and journalist write that this is a classic tactic of Russia before invasion. First they create some type of pro-Russian insurrection, then they start to scream about "humanitarian catastrophe" and "genocide" and after that the peace loving Soviet Unio... of my mistake, they call themselves now a Russian Federation, enter with "peacekeepers" forces and de facto occupy or create puppet state of Moscow. This is exactly the same tactic they used in Georgia, Moldavia, Azerbaijan and now in Ukraine.

    The invasion of "peacekeepers" is only question of time.

    1. EDIT: correction, mistake in translation. Use of artillery in conflict without statement of which side use it. also that was not an strike on Russian territory, I' sorry for that.

    2. It' s completly different from USA, that claim about WDM and destroy a country, then all a world area...

    3. Never said that US have better excuses for some invasions in the past. But as some great Polish comedian once said "Americans...first they bomb you but after that they ad least apologize"

    4. This was pretty much Hitler's playbook too. Saving 'oppressed Germans' anywhere that he wanted to expand.

      Americans will cry over anyone being 'oppressed'. Just show us pictures. But most of the world only cares about their own to go to war.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It will take allot of support to get that equipment usable so not that big of a deal right now in the short term. The Russian puppet that ran Ukraine up to the revolt did his level best to strangle the Ukrainian military to the point of early on the Ukrainians had a real hard time even deploying any real forces to the East.

    The Ukrainian gov had been making good gains and even had the rebels/Russian insurgents screaming they were going to have to surrender then Puty starts rattling sabers the Ukrainian pres announces a unilateral cease fire and now this looks like a Russian reinforcement to help turn the momentum back

    Hopefully the Ukrainian pres will use his warning after the cease fire to go all out if it was broken by the other side. Putin don't want to get drug into a major land war with Ukraine, 40k troops will not be enough to hold it and they will be ground into economic collapse and internal strife if Putin has to reinstate the draft to send hundreds of thousands of green troops into a never ending occupation of Ukraine.

    Puty has to keep E Ukraine a covert and not a overt operation. If it goes overt the cost will be huge and fast incurring with serious side effects back in the motherland Puty cannot risk. He cannot afford to repeat the soviet Afghanistan operation that killed a already life support braced up economy.

    1. C-low i do not know what you have been reading. But the poor state of the ukrainian military dates back a longer time ago, i mean in the past 20 + more years they have not modernized any equipment neither purchased new, but the bigger problems is trainning and equipment of soldiers.
      Take a look at the ukrainian armed forces they look like 80s soviet soldiers, that country is cash strpped run by ologarchs, no one used to give a damn about the military before the events at the maidan happened.
      All of the sudden they find theyre selfs in the middle of a anti guerilla operation.
      I said it before the ukrainians only have theyre selfs to blame of the curent state of the military.

    2. Really? Ukraine is in shambles and basically leaderless. Putin is riding high on his poll numbers. He can do anything he wants short of all-out baiting NATO.

  5. "At night, we took control of the tank base in Artemovsk, 30 kilometers from Slavyansk. We now have 221 tanks, 288 armored vehicles, 12 self-propelled guns, 18 Grad volley fire systems, 183 infantry fighting vehicles and 12 mortars,"

    And to that I say: Pics or it didn't happen.

    1. Pictures can lie, even without Photoshop. Because the photographer can always control the context of what you're seeing.

  6. Russian federation placed it's Central Army group on a war alert.
    Training, bluster or cold eyed threat.
    You get to guess, guess wrong and learn Russian Gospodin.

  7. Sol don't forget since they lost the whole global warming cause, its actually been cooling since 93 or so, they have changed to climate change.
    Off topic, but the CCW in Las Vegas never saw the female.

    Also protest are still going on in New Mexico

    They last line in it is kinda dumb. It says officers were ordered to stop shooting at moving vehicle. We never shoot at moving vehicles just those in control of the moving vehicle.

    1. I'm sure Obama would "prefer" that world events would just chill and let him get back to "organizing." No matter on which side of the global warming issue you stand, there are events of a more immediate magnitude that require some real leadership. I wonder if the USSR um.. I mean Russia desk at CIA is getting a little more attention lately. From what I've read and from other sources, I hear the Intel community has been screaming about the deteriorating situation in Syria/Iraq for more than a year. All on deaf ears. See no evil, hear no evil....

  8. Pravda? There ain't a bit that comes out Russia that isn't tainted by the regime.

    This is a PR smokescreen to help explain away why Russian tanks and other heavy weapons keep showing up in the hands of the pro-Russian militias.

    As Shas pointed out, it's probably rusted out equipment because what are the odds that this amount of equipment was in working condition and left so poorly secured.

    1. All true. But the PR smokescreen goes both ways. Don't trust what either side tells you.


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