Thursday, August 28, 2014

F-35 IOC in 2015? Not fucking likely!

via Bloomberg (Aug 20, 2014).
The start of rigorous in-flight testing on the initial software for the Marine Corps version of the fighter is already five months late, and may be further delayed by the flight restrictions imposed on the 20 test aircraft and 79 training jets after an engine fire on an Air Force F-35 on June 23.
“Many test points remain blocked or difficult to achieve because” of the flight restrictions, Jennifer Elzea, a spokeswoman for Pentagon director of operational testing Michael Gilmore, said in an e-mailed statement. “This may cause further delays in completing” testing of the software, she said.
Hmm.  5 months late for the testing of the initial software for the USMC.  The daddy of the F-35 Amos heading out the door this Oct (THANK GOD!!!!!!), a grunt getting back in the big chair... Added with the probability that the Republicans will reclaim the Senate and "spending discipline" will be imposed (hopefully)....all adds up to the Marine Corps delaying the IOC for the F-35.  But this is to be expected.  The US DoD has been pursuing exotic weapon systems and has been failing everytime.  Check out what USMC 0802 said on the post about the GVX.
All of this points back to the same basic problem in all weapon procurement which is that we only green light leap ahead systems.
Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle, Future Combat System, and all of the other systems that were supposed to be leap ahead technologies that failed.
Joint Strike Fighter, Lightweight Small Arms Technology, DDG1000, Littoral Combat Ship. All of these systems are behind schedule and massively over budget. All were supposed to be ground breaking technologies that have instead taken forever to make it out of development and massively under delivered on the original promise.
Instead that has left us with yet another upgrade on the AAV7, plummeting readiness rates on F/A-18s and AV-8Bs, and a assault rifle that continues to come in near last place in every competition to name just a couple of the legacy systems that we continue to use. This leaves our warfighters using weapons systems that were designed before they were born because the replacement is always just another couple of years away and is always just a couple of years away.
Sidenote.  Has anyone noticed that we still don't have a reported cause of the fire...only speculation?  Has it escaped your attention that the F-35 is still operating under flight restrictions?  Amos was going to pencil whip the plane into service.  I don't see Dunford taking those kinds of unnecessary risks with the lives of Marines flying an airplane that hasn't completed flight testing.

This should be on the wall of every General Officer in the Pentagon that deals with procurement....
“Putting the F-35 into production years before the first test flight was acquisition malpractice,” said acting Pentagon procurement chief Frank Kendall
The above statement is the closest thing we've seen to a government official admitting wrong doing when it comes to this project...but it won't be the last.

People will go to jail over this boondoggle.

I'd bet bodyparts!


  1. Actually, Sol, I don't know if you remember the Vanity Fair article that was about the F-35, but it is legal for the armed services to declare IOC for a weapons system, including the F-35, regardless of the operational testing results.

    The USMC could legally declare IOC for the F-35B next year, even if it has not progressed in testing or capability from where it is right now. It's a law that seriously needs to be changed.

    1. you're not following my line of thinking. Amos is all in on the F-35. not the Marine Corps! additionally there will be a new Commandant when this issue comes up and like i said in this piece, i don't expect him to follow the lead of Amos on this and many other issues.

      have you not noticed that there has been NO movement on the revised MPC? that tells you that the AMos plan has basically been shitcanned by Dunford. additionally the Marine Corps is well into a procurement train-wreck of biblical proportions already! why? because even if you tell the Corps that they're just gonna have to ride in ancient combat vehicles they still have to contend with the CH-53K and buying the F-35!

      the USMC cannot afford that...especially when next year the JLTV will be purchased with the USMC buying the first 5500 off that production line!

      something has got to give and the way i see it, even if the F-35 is actually a must have, its still not needed more than ground transport for the grunts or a robust logistics capability brought forward by the CH-53K.

    2. I hope you're right, sol. Another possibility: what if Congress or the President orders the F-35B into IOC?

      Lockheed's lobbying army has proven they are capable of almost anything so far. I really hope you're right, sol. It's just that ever since Boeing's F-15SE lost in Korea after being the only fighter that beat their contest, I'm still a little weary and I think that almost anything bad can happen with the F-35.

  2. Building over 100 mistake-jets before milestone-C. Surprise.


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