Thursday, August 14, 2014

This is how liberty dies

I'm a fierce critic of the news media. I think they've failed at their jobs to inform the American people....but when we see the above happen, then you know that we're in trouble. We just witnessed Gestapo tactics being used against the media.... AND THE PRESIDENT MADE A MILK TOAST STATEMENT ABOUT THIS!  If you're wondering.  This is how freedom right at a time....

 NOTE:  via Wikipedia...
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding thefree exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights


  1. You know what... I think this is funny as hell. :D

    Soooooo many times watching those vultures acting like they are above law, above ethic, above ordinary human life's. They just wan the news or they will create one... and you want to punch them in the face, but in the camera you are always on the loosing side. And some dude send there a tear gas grenade. I know Sol' right's ect and I understand why you are upset... but tell me, for real... you never had the idea like that anonymous dude with the tear gas in the hand and those vultures in sights? ;)

    1. thats the funny thing.

      I HAVE NEVER HAD AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE WHEN CONTACTED BY POLICE! i can't explain it, i don't know whats behind it but thats the truth. i've never felt threatened, never felt intimidated (i'm not tiny so maybe thats' part of it...have weapons training so maybe thats it too) and never felt endangered.

      but seeing what is going on with some of our citizens in their contacts has me at once feeling the same time wondering how the citizen could have done it better etc...

      i'm really twisted on this one. the law enforcement that i know or have come in contact with have been solid, and i cheer for them....but at the same time i see thugs in uniform.

      its really confusing at times.

    2. let me add that my sample size of contacts with police is extremely small so maybe that has something to do with it.

    3. How recent were your interactions with the cops? If it has been a long while, that might explain it.

    4. a few months ago...i was speeding and not wearing my seat belt. cool cop, asked me if i was speeding i said you bet your ass, asked me how fast i was going, told him 45 in a 35, asked me why i wasn't wearing my seatbelt, told him that getting out of a vehicle was more important to me than a car crash, he thanked me for being one of the few people that didn't lie to him, i told him i'm way too old for that and that real men don't, he gave me a ticket for no seatbelt, told me he'd let the speeding go but to slow down, i accidentally dribbled some tobacco juice on his notebook, apologized he said its cool, i thanked him, he shook my hand and that was that.

    5. I've had good interaction with traffic police, but riot and regular police tend to be very coercitive around here. No negotiation, no control, just repression at the call of the local governor.

    6. i've never been to a protest as a participant. i have no idea of the "dynamics" on that side of the fence.

  2. I saw this story first on TheBlaze. It appears that there may be an explanation to this, and it may have been taken out of context. Judge for yourself....

    1. the reporters for al jazeera reported no such thing. the blaze is an apologist for any police action. they're holding onto the old right left divide when its changing underneath their feet.


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