Friday, September 19, 2014

Path to War - Vietnam

1 comment :

  1. My introduction to the Vietnam war was in the seventh grade, My friend Andy was called to the office one day, he came back to get his books, to go home, ashen faced he told us his brother had been killed in a place Called Vietnam.
    That was 1967, I watched as the eighteen year old's graduated and drafted left for that place called The Nam.
    Most came back, changed in ways not defined.
    My turn in the barrel came in 72 by then an Air and Sea war very little ground action by US forces.
    In the end, what price was paid to simply walk away?
    The US involvement in Vietnam started in 1945 and ended in 1975 the path to that war began during the end of another war.
    The run up looked a lot like this one brewing by the Muslim's.
    But I think it's gonna be more like World War two for us, for the Muslim's it will be like World War three.
    Utter destruction.


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