Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Power plant blown up in Ukraine?

via English Russia
Meanwhile they report that a few hours ago a major power plant was destroyed in Lughansk, Ukraine leaving over one million people around it without power. There is no estimate yet given if there any chance for the power to be restored in near future. There were two versions of whats happened – some say it was shelled by the rocket systems others say there were mines set before and they were activated now. Anyways this is pretty disturbing.

I wonder what the motivation is behind this move? 


  1. What type of power plant are we talking about here?

  2. 1425mw coal plant.

    If the loyalists did it, punish rebels
    If the seppos did it, scorched earth
    If the Russians did it, humanitarian disaster they can respond to.

    1. Add that point 2 and 3 can be closely related as action of ones are directly controlled by other.

      The OBWE will start to control this non existing case fire, maybe everyone will try to done much damage to enemy as they can. Not like the the Russians are storming and attacking Donetsk airfield all the time right?

    2. Why would Seps use scorched earth tactic ? Also Shas if the Russians were attacking this airfield let alone war would be over in very very short period of time. Will you stop with this nonsense already. It's obvious
      Ukr troops did this.

    3. It's obvious to you mister farseer. For now only you are sooooo obvious about everything.

      Russians, pro-Russians, ethnic Russians, separatists, who cares what name they are if they are all directed from Kremlin. The Ukrainians confirm attack on Donetsk airfield, Russians confirm attack of Donetsk airfield, everybody confirm that this airfield even if there is that none existing case fare is under attack.

      Don't be more Russian then Russians themselves comrade.


    they say it's a battalion formed of romanians fighting for the russians...i don't know if it's true..


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