Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Which of these seven classes do you want to be?

via Nerd Fitness (read the entire article...its entertaining if nothing else).
WARRIOR: You live for strength training. You love the idea of getting stronger and more powerful. You're interested in barbell training and strength training mostly. Your main attributes are strength and power.
SCOUT: Built for distance and efficiency rather than strength and power, you can outlast any animal on the planet. Your muscles are built to last for hours, and you can cover great distances whenever necessary. Your main attributes are stamina and endurance
RANGER: A jack-of-all-trades but master of none, Rangers are well-equipped for any situation. Your weight training revolves around varying the reps, sets, and downtime to continually force your muscles to adapt to new situations. You're good at strength training and pretty good at covering distances when required, but neither is a specialty. Your main attributes are strength and stamina.
ASSASSIN: Every building can be climbed, every gap can be jumped, every obstacle can be conquered. Assassins spend most of their time training with functional body weight exercises as that's usually the only thing they need to lift. Gymnasts and parkour enthusiasts would fit into this category. Your main attributes are power and stamina.
MONK: Monks can kick your ass with their fists and feet, and they will do it before you even knew what happened. Incredibly agile, lightning fast, and loaded with power, Monks specialize in martial arts to stay in shape and destroy the opposition. Your main attributes are power and dexterity.

DRUID: Druids spend a majority of their time training in the arts of yoga, tai chi, and other movement-based disciplines. Each movement has a purpose, and that purpose is to further improve the dexterity, agility, and strength of the druid. Your main attributes are dexterity and agility.
Adventurer: Adventurers haven't quite picked a path yet - or if they have, they're still working on gathering the skills to start their work in their profession of choice. These brave souls are not afraid of anything though, and are often found working diligently with their allies to help ensure every adventure leads down the correct path.


  1. I'm kind of a ranger that leans closer to a scout. I wish I was a monk though. I'm just not willing to risk suffering an injury right now.

  2. Heavy weight training focusing on squats, cleans, and modified military presses, coupled with plyo boxes, timed sprints, burpees, and hiking/ruckmarching will pretty much cover all.

    The military has finally figured this out. Being big, fast, and strong benefits assassins and scouts as much as warriors.

  3. Ranger I suppose.
    I cant run a marathon, but I can run a mile
    I cant, do something impressive bikey, but I can hold 60rpm at 50% resistance for half an hour ( bike reckons 60calories per minute without adjusting for for weight or age)
    I cant deadlift 150kg, but I can press 50kg, a lot

    I helped a friend move once, there was a braggy "warrior" type there, who was sure to tell everyone just how much he could lift. And we loaded the fridge, and the freezer, and the dish washer, and the washing machine, and he was ****ed. He could lift a lot, he could just only do it a few times

    Ive spent the day sawing 4" thick logs in to 12" lengths for my wood burner and Ive still got a cycle class tonight.
    I'm aiming for "functionally" / "usefully" fit.
    Which is far more important than big numbers


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