Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Yak-130 Advanced Trainer/Light Attack Aircraft Combat Simulation

This video points out something I had never considered.  Will light attack/fighter aircraft pilots become Aces if they shoot down five drones?  Additionally is the definition of low intensity combat changing?  Is the combat we're seeing in Ukraine considered low intensity?  What about the fighting against ISIS?

Personally I consider them both mid intensity, but that would go against how we've designated counter insurgency warfare (technically both ISIS and the separatists in Ukraine are insurgents).


  1. I don't think shooting down 5 drones qualifies one as an ace, because drones are so disadvantaged in capability and situational awareness. It is the man vs man duel victory that makes one an ace.

    But don't worry, there will be thousands of manned fighter jets for the next 50 years across the world, so human pilots will still have chance to become aces.

    1. When the drones will go in to full Hunter Killer mode, then we will have problems. Drone will turn faster, accelerate faster, react faster, it will take more G's without problems. Then shooting down a single drone in dogfight by old flesh and bones will be on the same level as shooting a live pilot.

  2. I am wondering if the rules of engagement apply to drones as well, does do not fire until fired upon apply to a drone? we know a few of our drones have been downed (i am talking actively engaging it, not taking control of it like RQ170), does that constitute a hostile act which merits retaliation?

  3. Depends on who you ask. Before the war in Georgia a MiG-29 flew out of the separatist region and shot down a drone. I remember reading somewhere that the Russians counted it as a kill, but I've long forgot where that was. That drone got some great footage of the MiG-29 killing it too by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6b35gjZ9cc

  4. Joe, consider that sending a drone in an airspace of a sovereign country also constitutes as a hostile act...

  5. I think the Israeli's put kill markings on the F-16's that shot down Hezbollah drones over northern Israel. Typically pilots will get kills credited for shooting down helicopters, cruise missiles, transport aircraft and light aircraft, so I don't see any reason why a drone kill would not be counted as an aerial victory.


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