Tuesday, February 03, 2015

173rd Airborne conduct drop in Pordenone, Italy

What is the verdict on the T-11 so far?  I know they moved to it because paratrooper loads were increasing to the point where the T-10B was no longer effective but in its short career I've already heard of at least two paratroopers being killed because of malfunctioning equipment and you saw the pic of the guy with a tangled(?) chute in an earlier post.


  1. No complaints from the jumpers I've talked to. Last I heard is that the T-11 is safer in every category over the T-10 except for entanglements, but the safety record during the first five years of rollout is heads and tails above the first five years of rollout of the T-10 (yes it was 60 years ago, but everything has a learning curve).

    Considering how many Rangers we lost on the Haditha dam mission in Iraq because of impact injuries, the T-11 is a necessary solution to getting more combat power to walk away from the drop zone and into the fight instead of laying there screaming for a medic.

  2. Not exactly rushing to get off the DZ are they

    1. Qualification jumps are generally just that, a qualification jump. You won't see too many videos of combat jumps into force on force training events as mass tactical jumps at night don't show up well on camera.


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