Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cease fire in Ukraine?

Watching the BBC this morning and they're saying an agreement has been reached!


More details soon.


  1. Its bull. They are saying ceasefire will go into effect by Sunday. Till that time, seps will go all out on Debaltseve and Mariupol. By the time the deadline is reached, so much carnage will happen and so many people are gonna die that anyone who even brings up Minsk-2 will be considered a traitor. On both sides.

    1. You're optimistic. You're assuming that the ceasefire will last longer than the previous one! lol

    2. You are both optimistic... you are both assume that there will be a ceasefire. Actual ceasefire where nobody shoot.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Sol' you did not ban this dumbass?

    5. google blogger doesn't give you a ban switch. you have to put in the complaint to them. that was done but it takes time for them to "follow procedure" plus i bet they get tons of people complaining about trolls to their websites.

      like an unwanted visitor this guy keeps showing back up. i'll delete his comments until google gets off their ass though.

    6. They should give more power to the blogger in that case, because it is a little ridiculous that you can't have control over that part of blog.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. Depends who usurps the deal , i think Poroschenko will have hard time explaining things at home even tough Ukrainian forces are on brink(it still might happen) of loosing devastating amount of men and equipment at Debaltseva. It depends who and to what extent can control the various fractions and ' warlords' on both sides of the front.

    10. Even if Ukrainians would control every group the main problem is on the other side of front, Russians don't want to end this conflict... the longer fights, the better for them.

    11. It seems you folks misunderstood my words. I meant the 15th feb deadline, when the ceasefire goes into effect. Nobody is obliged to stop shooting till that time. In a nutshell, Seps and Russian army got a license to do anything they want till Sunday.

    12. Shas i think you are wrong its the Ukrainian politicians that have much more interest in War than the Russians . Russia wants sanctions lifted while Ukraine now needs to clean up house of corruption and reform to the tune of EU and IMF music and here influentual heads will need to roll war is a great distraction to doing nothing in Rada.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The devil is in the details, including control of the key rail center of Debaltseve. The US and the Novorussians weren't included in the talks, and can Poroshenko deliver on some degree of autonomy for Donbass.

    1. Russians separatist were there... to sign the papers president Putin will give them and get the f*** off there.

  4. The full, original text in Russian is here, a preliminary English translation here. Apparently the two heads of the federalists in Donetsk and Lughanks also signed the agreement.

    1. "federalists"... this is the new name for them?

  5. Solomon, you should try disqus. Easier to comment and you can really ban people, by ip and by nickname.


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