Monday, February 23, 2015

The US is not ready to deal with ISIS/Terrorism.

I was emailing a buddy and the discussion was about ISIS.  One thing she said that made me pause.

She said "we're not ready".

She's right.

I'm doing my early morning run around the internet and what do I find...

A terrorist group targets Mall of America for attack threats.
A new video from Al Shabaab purportedly shows the terror group calling for an attack on Mall of America, in Bloomington, Minn.  According to Fox 9, the mall is one of three similar targets the terror group specifically names, including West Edmonton Mall in Canada and the Oxford Street shopping area in London.  The video purportedly shows 6 minutes of graphic images and the terrorists celebrating the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya, that killed more than 60 people.  The narrator, his face wrapped in a black-and-white kaffiyeh-type scarf and wearing a camouflage jacket, spoke with a British accent and appeared to be of Somali origin. He accused Kenyan troops in Somalia of committing abuses against Somali Muslims.

Australia PM announces crackdown on terrorism.  
SYDNEY, Australia — Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia said Monday that the government would seek to revoke the citizenship or curb the rights of Australians involved in terrorism and tighten immigration, visa and hate speech laws in a crackdown on terrorism.  “The terrorist threat is rising at home and abroad, and it is becoming harder to combat,” Mr. Abbott said. “By any measure the threat to Australia is worsening.”

Girl suicide bomber in Nigeria.
POTISKUM, Nigeria (AP) — A girl suicide bomber as young as 10 blew herself up at a busy market in the northeastern Nigerian town of Potiskum on Sunday, killing four others and seriously wounding 46 people, a witness and hospital records show.The girl who appeared no more than 10 years old got out of a tricycle taxi in front of the cell phone market and detonated her explosives on Potiskum's main market day, according to survivor Anazumi Saleh, who suffered injuries to his head.

What is the leading headline in most newspapers though?  Who won the Oscars!?! The American public is distracted...of its own volition.  The US govt is deluding itself.

The enemy is focused, dedicated and believe that they're fighting for God.  She nailed.  We're not ready...


  1. Yeah I wouldn't read too much in the Australian PM's speech. I listened to it, there is nothing in it, no new policy or direction. It was more about saving his own job (He was challenged two week ago and has been playing rear guard ever since)

  2. The CG of this thing looks to be too high. Strong candidate for a rollover?

  3. While I think you are right; your observation has been true for some time. Texas is a pretty patriotic state, overall. But the local religion (football) overshadows all else. I arrived in Houston to start a job there just before the US captured Noriega in Panama. The US had invaded a sovereign nation to grab this guy. Yet all the Houston headlines on the day he was captured focussed on Jerry Granville's quiet trip to interview with another football team (he was coach of the Oilers at the time). It may even be that part of the greatness of American society (though also a weakness, as you point out) is that its citizens can get on with their lives while a small minority - the military - are off keeping civil society safe and secure.

    I'd rather see more awareness, concern, respect, and understanding of national and international security; but in the end the point of that security is to allow people to get on with the business of society.

    Of course, with an administration of community organizers who live in a fantasy/theoretical la-la land; you don't have the leadership that can convey to people what is of real and immediate concern.

  4. Have you seen this yet sol? Apparently there are volunteer fighters going to Iraq to sign up to fight AGAINST ISIS.

  5. Yeah the 1st North American Expeditionary Force.

  6. Any wheeled vehicle like that with a turret is going to be roll-over ready, simply too much weight too high.

  7. She is right that we are not ready. The problem is that this is not a war between nations; it is a war between ethnos and also religions. A mass of people have declared a war on us, threatened our families, and in return we invite them to our country, let them walk freely amongst us and even receive welfare; they are appointed to positions of leadership and power. Our leadership does not have the courage or intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done; in fact we are going the exact opposite way. By the time we are 'ready' it will be too late.

  8. Yep. We experimented once by putting a turreted 90mm on a Ratel but it drove like it was drunk so the Rooikat was developed. That worked. Same chassis as the G6

  9. i always liked the Rooikat. seemed like the ultimate cav vehicle. i wonder why no one has tried to copy it (well the Italians have tried but their vehicles aren't as beautifully designed...a bit too large too)

  10. I think the original idea came from the panhardt 90 which we used to call "noddie cars". Panhardt did an update called the Panhardt erc90 and some other equally ugly derivatives. The design prepabaly suits the French expeditionary style warfare. The Rooikat was aching of beautiful and drove like a race car. Pity we didn't have the money to take it to the next level. Ran out of wars too.

  11. You never fail to surprise me!


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