Saturday, February 28, 2015

The US Navy has lost its goddamn mind.

USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10)

The US Navy has lost its fucking mind!

The USS Gabrielle Giffords?



Hope is fading fast for the DoD.  They've been totally compromised by this administration and the military that I knew is almost gone. I don't know if it is worth covering this for much longer.


  1. Not bad and now can the 82 Airborne Div get a Light tank that can be airdropped like the one the French has called the ERC Sagaie 90

  2. I think so because I think the US Navy and DoD has lost it's mind. That's not a Frigate. That's a corvette or an enlarged OPV

  3. Why it's bad? no rant or anything, I'm just curious.

  4. probably because its stock. you can go crazy in the aftermarket for increased ride height, beefier shocks, bigger wheels and tires can even get racing seats. this rig looks like its built to strict milspec standards....nothing extra and absolutely nothing special going on here.

    that's whats surprising. Air Force Para-Rescue practically had themselves hand built vehicles for their mission and they're almost race ready.

  5. Former U.S. Naval Institute CEO, retired Marine Maj. Gen. Tom Wilkerson, expressed disappointment at the recent evolution of ship dedication. “If you were to look at one thing that has changed with Secretary Mabus it has been going from naming warships to honor people who have served or are intimately connected to the sea services to reaching into a more political environment and doing things almost on a feel-good basis,” he said, noting his dismay at recent decisions to name ships after Cesar Chavez and former Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha.

    Retired Rear Admiral George Worthington, former commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command, told The Daily Caller that there are many people more worthy of a ship bearing their name. Wilkerson went on to say that what happened to Giffords was a tragedy, but that she was neither a service hero nor a major supporter/sponsor of the sea services and their contributions to national security. “It is a very clear statement that naming warships has become more politicized than at anytime in our past,” he said, “perhaps an effort on the part of the Navy Department leadership to gain more public support.”

  6. Sure will not name it for someone shot by the Muslim at ft hood.

  7. Not much ground clearance. Good thing it is so light; those four guys just might be able to pick it up and carry it over all the obstacles it cannot make it over.

  8. thats not even the point. as tragic as the Gifford's shooting or the Ft. Hood massacre's are, its not how we do things. like the example that Don pointed to its about honoring heroism in battle or people that have contributed to the sea services. (not saying that the people that were killed and injured didn't contribute...i hope you're getting me on this). this is 100 percent political.

  9. Of course there is some logical connection in naming this particular naval ship after a gun control advocate, as seen here.

  10. ok. i'm not seeing it. what am i missing?

  11. This thing is 60 inches wide and a hight that can be dropped to 60 inches.that means this thing can be carried inside a V22. Wonder if the Marines are looking at it.

  12. I'm going to keep my cool until some lunatic starts calling them USS Kim Kardashan or USS Angelina Jolie.

  13. The USN/DOD lost their mind when they decided to build 52 overpriced OPV/Corvettes, when they could have built the same number or more frigates with some decent hitting power.

  14. What the US should have done is invest in something like the Indian Shivalik and Talwar Classes of multi-role stealth frigates. The Talwar carries 32 SAMs, 8 anit-ship/land attack cruise missiles, has a 100mm gun. 2 CIWSs, 2 ASW torpedo tubes, 1 ASW rocket launcher, and 1 ASW helicopter. The Shivalik carries 56 SAMs, 8 anti-ship/land attack cruise missiles, a 76mm gun, 2 CIWSs, 2 ASW torpedo tubes, 2 ASW rocket launchers and 2 ASW helicopters.

    These are both far better options than these POS Littoral Combat Ships.

  15. at least they didn't give her a Nobel Peace prize too for getting shot in the face because her staff was too naive to have an LEO present at that rally.

  16. Of course it is 100 % political but the point is the type of politics as bacon mentioned. Might as wel name it "ban guns to prevent white right wing extremist from shooting angelic government employees"

  17. "Oh, look, we're in the middle of a Grad barrage." Exactly the thing that wouldn't survive in a place like the Ukraine.

  18. not being a smart ass but WHAT WOULD survive in the middle of a Grad barrage?

  19. the USMC could have had these at a fraction of the cost that they're buying the current ITV for...they passed and bought a modded out WW2 jeep instead.

  20. The Osprey and CH-47 are both very height restricted for anything as wide. Don't know the max height, but I can guess wheel size is restricted by a combination of wheel travel and height restrictions in a helicopter without having to let a lot of air out

  21. God how I miss Cap Weinberger and John Leahman. This kind of crap would never of even crossed their minds. This all started when the Admirals didn't have the cajones to say no or quit. Their so-called careers seemed more important than standing for something.
    No wonder Putin is pushing out. Our CinC has shown no leadership or backbone. We need a leader that understands what it mwans to "sharpen the tusks."

  22. Or something along the lines of the US Coast Guard's National Security Cutter. You can take the National Security Cutter design and build a Patrol Frigate with CEAFAR radar.

  23. The only real edge I see that the Current Growler has is in Payload capacity. 2000 lbs for the Growler well the MRZR maxes at 1500 lbs but on the other end of that the MRZR weighs only half that of the Growler

  24. Barring a direct hit, basically most modern IFVs and APCs.

  25. Even the direct hit is not that dangerous, the standard rocket is OFM-122 HE warhead is design to kill live force not armored vehicle, IFV should survive direct hit, damage yes, but probably not destroyed. And you need a direct hit, near hit will shake it but not damage... this vehicle, near or direct don't mater, shrapnel's will kill those men.


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