Saturday, March 14, 2015

Latest Twitter meme? Where is Putin.

If you check your Twitter feed then you'll find the meme...
to be burning up the web.  Some of it is quite funny.  Ukrainian school kids making drawings of Putin being abducted by aliens, other people speculating that he's in Switzerland to see his "love child" being born...and yet other people claiming he's dead.  Many though seem to be settling for the idea that he's sick...and Russian news media has responded by posting a vid of him meeting with his Justice Minister which makes me think that is the most probable explanation.

An internal Russian power struggle and one of Putin's enemies finally got to him?

Doubtful but this bears watching.


  1. The technology thievery infuriates me.

  2. I`ve been watching Russian bots and trolls for quite a while and they havent been as silent as they have been in the last 72 hours.Literally, nothing.

    Only about an hour ago or so hundreds of cryptic tweets were spammed out but after that short spasm - silence again.

    Putin is in crossfires. The siloviks want Kadyrov gone but Kadyrov is the stabilizator in Chechnya - the two are main pillars of Putins regime. By large Kadyrov is involved in Nemtsovs case and the siloviks are that displeases by Kadyrov - always have been but the latest developments I think have crossed the line.

    As the sayinfggoes - ''If you dont know what to do,go to sleep''.
    I wager Putin is simply watching the situation from save place in hopes that all the problems - Nemtsov assination, Kadyrov problem,Ukraine,economy and who knows what else - will cool off.
    He has always delayed import decisions to the very last moment and I think he`s doing exactly that right now.

    However I think he`s recovering from yet another plastic surgery short before Crimea-stealing celebration fest and 9th of May.

  3. Solomon, you still watch vice news videos?

  4. sometimes. they're doing good work but sometimes go hollywood. i'm still trying to get a feel for them.

  5. They released a video called Russia ghost army in Ukraine, looks interesting.

  6. My personal inclination is that the poor guys was just wiped out tired. Flat out fatigued. He was actually looking pretty ugly in his last few press released photos, looking completely exhausted. He must have been literally awake for 19-20 hrs a day, for 2+ months, plotting, executing, meeting, etc. A guy that age simply can't do that for prolonged periods, no matter how much juice one might be getting. Stress is stress. It's a human reality. My guess is that Kremlin doctors ordered him to take a long-duration sleep, rest and recovery time out. Truly, it would likely be for sake of state of mind (becoming psychotic, etc), than even his physical state. Perhaps one could just hope there's a better chance for a more genuine reset and do-over, policy-wise and strategic-planning-wise et al, when he's back. Respects.

  7. Let's just hope this skilled photographer is not arrested like the one (or two?) reportedly arrested for photographing China's carrier!?

  8. Eh... Could be anything. Polonium in his tea... Hemorrhoid surgery... Pec implants.

  9. Oh wait, he's probably binge watching House of Cards on Netflix to see how his not-Putin character is portrayed.

  10. >The siloviks want Kadyrov gone but Kadyrov is the stabilizator in
    Chechnya - the two are main pilars of Putins regime. By large Kadyrov
    is involved in Nemtsovs case and the siloviks are that displeased by
    Kadyrov - always have been but the latest developments indicate,
    I think Kadyrov hascrossed the line.

    Lol, that sounds interesting. Our DoD and Chechens are, well, do not like each other much.

    However threatening DoD with another war in Chechnya is useless - if Russia overwhelmed separatists in Second War, nowadays with its huge modernizations any possible conflict in Chechnya will be decided quickly and bloody.

  11. 15 of march - today should be some kind of press-conference, or something like that. Well, here in Russia no one knows, where Vlad is, but there is no panic or somekind of movement in the streets - no signs of rebellion or hot power struggle,

    I guess the guy just got tired of all the shit and took a vacation/

  12. Well Flanker looks awesome, like always. Btw no rumours about some Flanker contracts anymore.

  13. Are you a nato-bot? Ne I dont think so. I am just kidding. Usually bots has more brain. By your phantastic analysis of the situation, the dramatic results of your watch and the incorruptible personality you must work for the state department. I guess you are Jen Psaki. It must be you Jen :)

  14. You better be Russian when you say that, the original stealth calculations were Russian, not American.

    I'd say just accept that everyone steals from everyone.
    After all, "International Affairs" is countries screwing each other over.

  15. @ By large Kadyrov is involved in Nemtsovs@ @I think Kadyrov hascrossed the line.@
    Bggg. There is a rule – if something happens (or very close to reality) with some regional leader in Russia it causes noticeable changes around the leader’s economical and political sphere of influence. This rule has no exceptions, at my take. I see no threats to Ramzan’s (and people familiar to him) economical and political interests on horizon.
    But at the same time I watch a real hysteria in Ukrainian internet sources – their pain after Debal’tsevo humiliation must be treated – and they do this in such spectacular manner, affecting another adepts of “Evil empire” religion, specially from Baltic and Poland.

  16. @our neo-liberal government to finally go to GULAGBut it is to good to be true@
    ..A lot of them do not deserv any GULAG. To be fed with plumbum as Nemtsov-the-bastard more likely. About official death sentence for such shit I even do not dare to dream.

    @I guess the guy just got tired of all the shit and took a vacation/@gg
    May be. But our military became greatly more active during last year.It is noticeable. At least two competitive political clans are very active in Donbass conflict. I have no idea why. But something is changed. Who knows, may be very soft, on the verge of weakness sometimes, Putin will be changed for another more ballsy official leader.


  18. he's got some good HQ images...thx 4 the post

  19. From today
    Russia will support Peru and Boilvia against Chile


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