Sunday, March 15, 2015

This is why I have a problem with religion...

via CNN
(CNN)Creflo Dollar is hoping a few folks will see fit to bless him.
The minister, known for being a prosperity preacher at his Atlanta-area World Changers Church International, is seeking "200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more (to) help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane."
The figures were presented Friday in a nearly six-minute video on the Creflo Dollar Ministries website (the video was not viewable Friday night) and total more than $60 million needed to buy the Gulfstream G650, which goes for a reported $65 million.
Absolutely amazing.

This is why I have a problem with religion.  The deity that they represent rode on the back of an Ass, was born in a filthy stable and this guy wants a private luxury airplane.

Meanwhile you have people in his community suffering and if he dare to look beyond the borders he would see this...

The sad part.

He'll probably get his airplane and not one additional person will hear the word of God because of it.

Excuse me while I find a wall to punch.


  1. He could be more frugal by just using Netjets -

  2. frugality isn't what these "prosperity" preachers are about. at least drug dealers are honest. you know that you're buying an illegal drug made in questionable conditions that stands as good a chance of killing you or making you "get high". with these guys they have their believers thinking that when you give them money you're giving God money.

    its sickening to me.

    didn't Jesus tear up a temple? maybe that was an example that needs to be brought forward into the 21st century for some of these churches.

  3. Thanks for a Humble post like this one Sol, brings one down to ground reality. Sudan and other sub Saharas african countries have it real tough. Same here in India. No matter how much we grow and prosper, there are people in the 100's of millions here who are in that kind of state or just slightly better. A lot of work has been done, and a whole lot of work still needs to be done.

    And speaking about religion, Christianity has an amazing tradition- Charity. And on those lines, the US is the worlds largest Charitable nation not only to its own citizens but the whole wide world. An example of that being Bill Gates. The amount of respect he gets from the common man here is amazing. Not for his computers, but for all the great work his foundation has been doing.

  4. yeah but what would the world look like if all the Christian Churches in America, Europe, Australia, India and the other parts of the world actually did the work that the bible calls for? how would the world look if we didn't have bastards like this guy that was so busy asking for an airplane, what if he instead asked for money so that poor people in our own communities or across the world could be helped?

    no. instead they wait for mega monied people like Gates...or the government to do things that their God did not task a single person...or the govt to do.

    no. we can't have that. instead we have selfish leaders like this guy that are in it for themselves.

  5. theres a difference between being spiritual and being religious.

  6. i'm definitely leaning against being religious. i don't know what being "spiritual" means. if you're talking about listening to the voice that tells you right or wrong then yeah. sounds good....unless your voice is defective. i don't know. i do know that i'm not seeing what seems right in what i've taken a gander at. its rather disappointing. question. how can morality change? if murder was immoral in 1100 AD and its immoral today then what about the other moral issues? changing compasses, no real answers....i'm getting frustrated and when i see this kind of thing it makes me pissed.

  7. I have been to Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) twice & it gave me a little colour to my views on religion....1st time (when I was a kid) my family & came across a pastor who was as poor as his flock, trying to do his best. The 2nd time as an adult, I came across Evangelicals who were there for a few weeks with their hand out for cash claiming faith alone will heal them of all that harms them, including AIDS. (At the same time, established protestant church's were aiding the government, spreading the word about prevention, with the Catholic bishop conspicuous with his lack of comment).

  8. Typical Jesse Jackson, sharpton and Obama attitude. Obamas Pastor J Wright preaches against the white man then lives in a gated white subdivision. your post sol just supports the Open border multiculturalists. they starve for the same reason this charlatan gets his jet.


  10. welcome to the modern church. There is no good/bad acceptable/not-acceptable as long as you pay your tithe your seat is ensured no fire & brimstone for you.

  11. When I first read your Headline and pic of the G650 for this entry, I was thinking you were being sarcastic in a sacrilegious sort of way... perhaps joking something like, 'with an angel (jet) this beautiful, who needs religion'! In my mind at least, the G650 is one beautiful product and powerful. Almost awe-inspiring for sure...

    But in reading the story, one can definitely feel many emotions with such a corrupt-minded and perverse cult. And how about paying for the gas and maintenance? Is he going to hit people up every month then to pay for that?? Talk about sacrilegious.

    Very sad to see such manipulation and waste of charitable giving by people who would otherwise truly be willing and able to give to a good cause and real blessing.

    All that said, I've personally volunteered with a foreign-nation Red Cross during some relief work. I was thankful for the opportunity (blessing) to be in the position to give back and contribute in such a hard time. I know for a fact how far $300 can actually spread (or, serve God if you wish) and what it can do in some parts of the world, if deployed prudently. Amen.

  12. Shit like that happens here all the time.
    Greedy bastard ask for 10% of their month income (sometimes people don't pay bills or buy food just to pay this) just to satisfy himself, that's pure evil to me.

  13. No, Jesus didn't tear up a Temple but he sure did tear into a group of greedy religion profiteers, people who had set up shop on Sacred Temple ground to make a profit off of the religious people fulfilling their religious duties. This makes Christs actions even more pointedly damning of these kind of opportunists and self serving lowlifes!! Christ was all about voluntarily serving your fellow man not about greedily serving yourself! I would love to see these scuzzballs "scourged" from the Christian community, both figurative and literally!!

  14. It has to do with the Protestant Calvinist doctrine of predestination. God has ordained from all eternity that some (the majority) are destined for damnation. There is no sure way for a person to know whether he is one of the elect or the cursed. However, if he works hard and makes a lot of money, that is a sign of God's favor. That's where the prosperity preachers come in.
    As a Catholic, I have yet to see or hear anything in Church teaching that has anything to do with making money or being prosperous. It's a subject that never comes up. If you are wealthy and want to donate money to support the Church, that's fine, but poverty is not a sin.

  15. I was being silly of course. I would watch Dollar for a few minutes occasionally just to experience the bullshit. He could do F-35 marketing.

  16. Yes, Jesus DID flip tables in the temple (John 2:15), and also made his own whip and beat people like Creflo with it IN the temple.

    You can't have a great apostasy without a great apostasy; what you are seeing is the great apostasy. And this Creflo guy and his followers are just turds in the toilet bowl of the great apostasy, and the Lord is about to hit the flush.

    You are right about religion, but there is a huge difference between religion and true Christianity. This stuff has nothing to do with Christianity.

  17. Sol,

    Have you seen this:

    It all boils down on how "gullible" the church goers are. Worst case scenario, Reverend Jim Jones and David Koresh And I can't stress any more than that.

  18. Think that is a skewed view of predestination. It only concerns salvation, not money. Key evidence in point, none of the 14 apostles were rich and only one lived to old age.

  19. There is historical precedent for that, but there is also the old fact that the tithe of the old priests were also technically income tax as the priests then were also the bureaucracy and government (records keeping) so it doesn't really carry over direct.

  20. Not our place to judge, let God handle him, after all, no one gets out without trial, not even preachers.

  21. Modern? Lets not forget that the only reason for the Episcopalian/Anglican church exists is because the bribe the Catholic church wanted was too damn high. This is something that dates back to the beginning of organized religion even, well before Christianity was even a thing. If you want to believe something than be my guest, but if you are supporting an organized religion, you are at best supporting mild corruption and at worse supporting genocide, or at least that's been the trend throughout history.

  22. Is it religion you have a problem with? Or the religious? See, religion is an "it", so it can't do things by itself. People do. And if you have a problem with religious people, it's good to specify which of the religious people. It's interesting how these days when people see a religious person doing good they go like "so is he/she, nice fellow". While if the same people see a religious person doing wrong they go like "so are they, evil backwards".
    People can do evil without the help of a holy book or a god. So wrongdoing is not a religious invention.

  23. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
    heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in

    Matthew 7:21

    Now you know who was being spoken of in the above.

  24. Koresh is a poor example. Those folks simply wanted to be left alone. ATF went looking for something to distract the media from the sexual harassment scandal ongoing at the time. Koresh had offered to meet the ATF at his attorney's office to discuss their concerns, but was turned down.

    Waco fun fact: The first fatality was a baby in Koresh's arms that was shot by an ATF agent. So much for Reno's assertion that children were being "abused" there.


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