Tuesday, March 26, 2024

He was shooting and moving but in the end it was communicated that shooting was a bad move...

Funny but not funny. I have to wonder what he was thinking would be accomplished doing that. I do believe that permissive DA's are causing alot of unnecessary mayhem. Rumor control says that if we were locking up the 5% of the bad guys that do this type of thing (that 5% are the violent criminals) that crime would diminish greatly. 

Mind you that many would view mandatory minimums barbaric, but to those people I say take a hard look at Singapore. There are benefits to enforcing public standards in a manner that would seem ruthless to Americans. 

We've become way to lax.

The funny thing is that we've seen the thing that works but abandoned it.  What is that thing?  Broken Glass Theory.  Look it up.  It's so simple that I dare say its elegant.  The results of its implementation is astounding.  Communities nationwide should try it.

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