Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blast from the past. The Banshee [McDonnell F2H carrier-based jet fighter]

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

A bugout bag is not enough...

If you're into preparedness then continue reading.

If not then this is not the post for you and you can come back for the next post.

I contend that a bugout bag is not enough.  I contend that for most it will not provide for a persons REAL needs and will cause people to put themselves in worse conditions than if they stuck it out at home.  If staying home is not possible, you don't have a destination point, and you absolutely must leave then at the bare minimum you're going to need the cargo capacity of a bugout trailer (even better would be some type of camping trailer or mobile home...but that's best case scenario).

Sidenote.  Your best bet in my opinion is to stay at home.  The minute you leave your home, unless you have friends or family in a safe area of the country then you're a refugee.

Having said all that, what is your opinion?

Is a bugout bag worth the effort to put together or are we mixing up get home, everyday carry and bugout bags into a strange concoction where they're used interchangeably?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is Singapore, pound for pound, the most powerful military in the Pacific?

The above video is a massive dog and pony show, but it does beg the question.

Is Singapore, pound for pound, the most powerful in the Pacific?

I think a good argument can be made that they are!  They have world class law enforcement (to include border controls that are spooky will not over stay a visa in that country!), ultra modern military equipment with the best kit bought globally or produced locally AND they have national service which doesn't appear to have had a negative affect on their professionalism.

Consider this.

It can be argued that they operate the most heavily protected, most modern tank in the region.  Their fleet of F-16's and F-15E's are likewise of the most modern versions available.  They have a modern fleet, and their Special Ops troops train hard and regularly.

The Japanese, Australians and S. Koreans are good.

The Singaporeans might be better.

Asymmetric Solutions (Private Military Contractors -PMC's) are on the ground in Ferguson...

We’ve been to Baghdad, Kabul, KL, Manilla, Peshwar, Bogata. Never guessed we would deploy a high threat team in our own city.#furgeson— Asymmetric Solutions (@AsymmetricUSA) August 19, 2014
The above is a tweet from Asymmetric Solutions, a PMC that is apparently on the ground in Ferguson.

via SHTF Plan Blog.
Their mission is not clear and no one in any official government capacity is saying anything. But according to a tweet from Asymmetric Solutions on Tuesday, private contractors have been requested in the Feguson/St. Louis area. The company is a division of Applied Defense Technologies, which employs ex-special operations members like Navy Seals, Army Rangers, and Delta Force operatives, often to high-risk theaters of war in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
I've heard of these guys but I got the impression they were mostly trainers.  I didn't know they were sending guys out on jobs.

The bigger question is obvious.

When the government wants a heavier hand and if they can spell it out in a contract with the no-disclosure clauses in tact/ironclad (with the additional protections from prosecution) then these types are the ones to send. Additionally we have seen no evidence that the vast Intel network that's been setup has been used in Ferguson.

So what did they get a whiff of that got them spooked? 

Army quits tests after competing rifle outperforms M4A1 carbine

Thanks for the link Joe!

NOTE! Follow the link below to see the vid and the story.
Read the story here...and if you know what the weapon was that outperformed the M4 hit me up!

F-35 delayed/late again...can the USMC get its armored vehicles now?

Thanks to Eric for the link!

via Investors Business Daily
The radar-evading plane was supposed to be combat-ready by next July, according to Bloomberg News, but the F-35 still needs to pass in-flight software testing. Currently, the software testing for the Marine Corps edition of the plane, the most technologically complex of the models, is five months behind schedule.
"Many test points remain blocked or difficult to achieve because" of the flight restrictions, Jennifer Elzea, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon director of operational testing, told Bloomberg. "This may cause further delays in completing" testing of the software.
They were trying to rush this plane into service for one reason.  To ramp up production in the vain hope of "driving down the cost curve"....they've failed.


Now that this turkey is doing as predicted and strangling itself like its strangled USMC procurement, can we slow it the fuck down and buy some armored vehicles before we find our Marines fighting ISIS, or Boko Haram or some other group of degenerate animals that seem to be all over the planet?