Saturday, October 13, 2018

Is the US a paper tiger?

I haven't been keeping track of the hurricane that struck Florida for a number of reasons.  Having said that, I did note that a major Air Force base was hit and observed numerous reports that several planes were damaged.

I discounted them

No way in hell a commander would leave high dollar aircraft in the path of a hurricane.

Apparently I was wrong. 

This statement by a reader left me stunned...

A while back the airforce said 46% of entire F-22 fleet is not operational; I had no idea what that really meant (not flyable? flyable but other shit don't work?).

Now we know: 22 out of 55 can't be flown out prior to hurricane, that's 40% (if extrapolate to entire fleet ) not flyable.
F-22's were left in their hangars?  22 out of 55 couldn't be flown out?  WTF over!!!

Our most vaunted fighters aren't in flyable state?  That demand by Mattis that the service get up to an 80% flyable state within a year makes nothing but sense now.

But why did this happen?  I have a few theories...

1.  By allowing a percentage of the fleet to remain in an unflyable state makes the case for recapitalizing with the F-35 easier to make.

2.  Having so many aircraft down makes the case for more money easier to make.

3.  Lack of trained techs to maintain the aircraft.

4.  The endless war on terror is savaging our fleet.

The list could probably go on, but I'm not in the mood so I'll leave the theorizing to the tribe.

But a patriot has to ask an uncomfortable question.  If this extends past just our air fleet and illustrates the state of our ground and naval forces does that mean that despite all the money we spend on defense we're essentially a "paper tiger"???

I really don't know but hopefully you guys have more data points and a clearer view of things.

What say you?  Paper tiger or just a maintenance blip? 

Open Comment Post. 13 Oct 2018

Friday, October 12, 2018

Large number of Russian special forces reportedly deployed to eastern Deir Ezzor

via AMN
A large number of Russian special forces personnel were deployed to the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate this week, the Furat Post reported.

According to the publication, the Russian special forces were specifically deployed to the Albukamal and Sayyal areas of the province.

The publication said the Russian special forces were equipped with armored vehicles, anti-tank guided missiles, and sniper rifles, as they prepare to aid the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in their upcoming offensive in the province.
Story here.

Thanks to my readers I get what this fight is about (trust me it ain't about Democracy, and the flag) but what keeps amazing me is how chaotic this battlefield is.

The number of nations participating in this fight in such a small area blows my mind.

Working out so soon might have been a bad decision...


The people that said to chill out can gloat.  Doctor said to give it a rest.  I said fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

I'm a goddamn Marine.  I control my body, my body don't control me.  You're such a coward that you piss yellow, I piss red white and blue you son of a bitch.  You ain't keeping me out of the gym...I'm a man.  I call the shots and the order of the day is to get back on the grind.

That was not a wise decision.

To be actual and factual it was batshit stupid.

This hurts more now than it did earlier.

Long story short.  The tribe was right (I always say my readers make short work of big problems), I was wrong and now I'm paying stupid tax.

Extremely Late Open Comments Post...12 Oct 2018

A few more things about that slain journalist...

Have you been keeping up with the news of the journalist killed in the Saudi consulate?

This whole thing has me scratching my head and wondering why so called investigative reporters aren't asking basic questions.

*  The US and Turkey are in the middle of 'rough' relations at the moment.  Why would they present this evidence to us...and the rest of the world.

*  The Turks apparently have completely penetrated the Saudi diplomatic communications network.  Why is this event so important that they would jeopardize that?

*  What are the Turks trying to accomplish with this news?  Has Saudi Arabia suddenly popped up in Turkey's weapon sights?

*  What does this spell for the region?

This was a bungled operation.  The Saudis should have farmed this out to the Israelis or Blackwater. 

One last thing to end this jumbled blog post.

Journalist talk shit about leaders all the time (well except in China) without being targeted for killing.  What did this guy do to warrant this in the eyes of the Saudis?  Supposedly he knew that he was wanted so why would he stroll so happily into the consulate?  Putting a bow on this thing...if the Turks had their communications so thoroughly penetrated why didn't they warn the journalist of the Saudi plans and intercept him before he got inside?

U.S. Marines Conduct Long Range Raid with CH-53E Super Stallion Aircraft....Pics by Lance Cpl. Alexia Lythos

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Was that slain Saudi Journalist an asset or agent?

Just spitballing here so don't go high and to the right.

Have you been watching news about the slain Saudi Journalist?

It just ain't hitting me right.

The Turks and the US had surveillance on the guy?  The Turks had eyes on him to such an extent that they have video?  They supposedly know the guys that nabbed/kidnapped him?

I can't shake the feeling that this is part of the Syria fight mixed with the bigger struggle between Saudi Arabia/Israel and Turkey/Iran.

Additionally I get the feeling the guy must have either been an asset, and a highly valuable one at that, or an actual agent.

The news media already has its marching orders but there are some serious questions that need to be asked about this guy's associations.

There is more here than meets the eye.