Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Weds Cringe Worthy Moment...How does this happen??

I can't even imagine.  How does this happen?

Milrem Robotics THeMIS...

I'm warming to the idea of using robots as carriers for what the infantry would consider heavy weapons.  Additionally with the size of some of the current vehicle mounted weapon systems coming down in size, I'm sure you could even mount a 25mm cannon onto some of the larger squad support vehicles.

If you could get a robot that could move at a bit of speed across broken ground while carrying a heavy weapon then it would be the perfect pairing with the MRZR.

Weds Funny. This is why you need a seatbelt!

Canadian Forces @ Operation Presence (Task Force-Mali)....Photos by Cpl Lessard

Chinese Marines headed to Hong Kong?

Those are the Chinese version of our AAV.  Are Chinese Marines headed to Hong Kong?

If this is real then we're looking at more than an ordinary crackdown.  This would indicate that they're about to take over the city.

Would the Chinese be that bold?

Declare martial law, dismiss the civilian govt and place the city under military rule?

That would fit what Chinese hardliners are calling for.

With the news coming from Russia of Putin's sudden weakness, perhaps the Chinese ruler is feeling a need to show strength.

Another new Mi-35M, for the Mali Air Force.

This will always amaze me.  Western forces assist govts all over the world with internal security issues and how do they repay us?  They buy Russian gear!  Not saying that Russian gear is bad, just the opposite actually, in many ways its more practical for many of the nations in question (Iraq and Afghanistan to name a few). 

But i guess the idea of even thinking about "equivalent exchange" is foreign. We risk lives and treasure to secure their nations and they spend their money elsewhere.

Probably a silly critique but its the feeling nonetheless.

Sidenote.  If you want to get the best view of Russia's military then follow Rob on his Twitter page.  You can thank me later!

Russian forces are on the move near the border with Ukraine...what's going on with this?

This is somewhat surprising.

Let me explain my thinking.  I've heard from readers about Putin's falling ratings in the polls and thought nothing of it.  Trump has had low ratings for the majority of his term and it was no big deal.

Some other readers were stating that we should be ready for some type of event to bring "patriotic fever" to the Russian populace to raise his numbers.

Again I thought nothing of it.

Then I saw a report on main stream news talking about his numbers earlier today and then saw this in my Twitter feed.

Could there be something to this?  Could the Russians be close to conducting "further operations" in Ukraine?

Seems like a VERY risky move but I have no view of Russian politics.

Is this possible?

Hong Kong protesters sing US anthem, with US flags...sorry bro, but this ain't our fight. Don't get pissed hear me out!

Heart warming ain't it?

Makes you BEYOND sympathetic to their cause doesn't it?

But the reality is this ain't our fight!  The protesters screwed this up.  The fate of their city was sealed long ago and this show of force is (maybe, I kinda feel like its gone off the rails) to be applauded.

But it still ain't our fight.

It's past time for the USA to start playing big boy politics.  How many times have we rushed into a situation in the name of "democracy" only to see the whole effort blow up in our faces?

How many times have YOU personally complained that we aren't taking care of issues here at home but instead spending lives and treasure pursuing the prosperity and happiness of people in other lands?

I'm past done with that madness.

It is heart warming to see them with US flags singing the national anthem.  It does make me sympathetic (to a point).

But this is a China problem.  The Brits gave the city back and that's a done deal.

Sidenote.  Does anyone actually know what they're protesting now?  I've seen this type of thing in the US.  Protests start and then once a concession is made the protests continue and its onto a totally different issue.  Frustrating as hell.