Saturday, February 15, 2020

Type-96A main battle tanks (MBTs) attached to a combined brigade under the PLA 72nd Group Army rumble through a muddy road while on exercise...


Does anyone have a quick and dirty guide to identifying Chinese tank types? My issue is I can't tell the difference at a glance between the Type 96 and Type 99.

Additionally info is rather spotty on both types.  How I wish we had the old CIA Russian Military Assessment but for China in the new century.  Funny thing.  We asked Russia to be more open about their military and they complied.  What did I get for posting information on their force that they provided to open source?  I'm a "Russian Sympathizer".  Meanwhile the Chinese are damn near secretive as fuck and no one seems to mind.


Open Comments Post. 15 Feb 2020

Sorry for the light blogging folks...

Sorry for the light blogging  this week folks but life jumped up and kicked me in the nuts.  I plan on shaking back this weekend.  Quick and dirty?  Dealing with an elderly parent and that alone is a mindfuck when you switch roles and watch a once powerful man start the inevitable for us all downward spiral.

If that wasn't enough (and I repeat...that was a TOTAL mindfuck) we had our defensive tactics certification and since we have a hard as woodpecker lips DT Instructor, that is also a Marine, a Vietnam Vet AND an old school LEO that found out I was part of his club you know I had to go hard.  Amazingly many of my compadres went soft.  Lucky for me I found a buddy from our brotherhood (lots of Marines in my department!) so we spent the past week pounding on each other like it was old times week.

Needless to say I was buying stock in Tiger Balm everyday and icing knees like there was no tomorrow.  One week and I lost 15 pounds.

To top it off I caught a cold Thursday and I'm trying to fight thru it.

So yeah.  I slipped on this one.  But I'm back and feeling good...mentally if not physically but I'll get that back by Monday (better cause round 2 starts Tues!).

Expect heavy posting from here till at least Weds...after that maybe another short lull...SO HANG WITH ME!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Last Mk3 Merlin Commando Junglie (Green) heads to conversion shop...headed toward an all Mk4 Merlin Commando (Grey) Fleet...

Always thought the Green Commando helicopters were so cool...especially the Sea King variant.  Times change though and apparently this tradition is going away.

Too bad.

Open Comment Post. 12 Feb 2020.

German Air Force Capabilities

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Is this true? Turkey asks the US/Nato for assistance in stopping the Russian/Syrian assault on Idlib?


The proud, arrogant, cocky, and boastful Turkish govt (not people...there is a clear distinction in my mind), suddenly appeal to the US/Nato for help against Russia/Syria?

Too fucking funny!

This new regional power is running to daddy for help?  Just plain wow.  Gotta confirm this if I get some time (tweaked my freaking back in Defensive Tactics today and feel like shit).

Kornet vs Troops in the open (not US or Allied Forces...various terror groups don't count)...

Note.  The title of this post is not clickbait but to illustrate the fact that we just don't know who the players are in Syria.  It will annoy many but its been confirmed that the US (and our allies) have at times been supporting some pretty unsavory groups in the fight against NOT ISIS but Assad.  To my eyes we're not looking at one of our NATO/US/European allies troops in the short vid above.  Therefore I imagine it to be some other group.  Note ends.

US Navy CMV-22 arrives at PAX River...

CH-53K getting ready for a night flight...

Open Comment Post. 11 Feb 2020

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”

Wow.  Awesome lesson straight from Twitter.  Twitter is beyond great if you know where to look.