Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We've got to find a better way of dealing with the mentally ill...

 via Heavy.com

The Suffolk County District Attorney does not believe Armand set out to disrupt the election process or undermine confidence in mail-in voting. DA Rachael Rollins explained in a news release that she believes Armand is “emotionally disturbed.”

Rollins added, “No matter the intent of Armand when he set fire to these ballots, his actions strike a nerve in our society at a time of nearly unprecedented political divisiveness. The destruction of ballots is simply unacceptable.”

A “dangerousness hearing” was scheduled for October 30 to determine whether Armand could be granted bail. This hearing was set after Armand refused to talk to a court clinician who was working to determine whether Armand was competent to stand trial. According to the district attorney’s office, Judge Summerville decided against sending Armand to a different facility for a mental health evaluation after the medical professional reported back.

The DA’s office also disclosed that Armand faces a separate arson charge in Malden District Court. Details of that case are unclear; a search of online court records does not bring up any results for Armand’s name.

Story here. 

Make no mistake about it.

99% of the people in jail are suffering some type of mental issue.  They're semi-functional though (the operative word is semi!). 

My issue with this guy is that even if he's occasionally functional he's clearly teetering on the edge and someone will have to deal with this dude in their living room...probably while he's committing a burglary (hopefully that's the extent of it).

We've got to come up with a better way.  This catch and release of the criminally mentally ill is NOT working.

The fight in Armenia just got crazier....

Call me old fashioned, a neanderthal, patriarchal...whatever. I do not understand the modern trend of sending mothers, daughters...women in general to fight in combat.


I know.

I'm depriving them of rights. But in my opinion you DO NOT send your women to fight in a war.

To me its stupid and downright sinful.

Send me your hate and have the feminist and their followers spam my inbox with hate mail.  I don't care.  This shit is batshit crazy.

The Australian issues with the NH-90 for Special Ops work comes down to the door?

Wow.  It's all about the door!  You would think that something that simple wouldn't be a deal breaker but in something like rapidly deplaning it can be.

What I can't figure out is why the modifications are so hard for this.  If I remember correctly a Nordic country got them to make it able to carry taller soldiers better so a wider door seems like an easy thing to do.


In walks the H-60 in whatever form the Aussies want.  Knowing them by the time they get finished drawing up the specifications it'll be a missile/gun toting, troop carrying, all around combat capable helicopter.

I'm thinking the job the Colombians did to their model but on steroids...the good shit...I'm talking mega doses of pharmaceutical grade tren type shit! 

Which is better? Which one says "yeah...that's badass!"


Above you see the Marine Corps new commercial....below is the Army's. Which one makes you say that "that shit is badass"????

Let's take my readers out of it.  Let's say you're 21 sitting on your couch playing playstation/x-box all day.  Smoking weed/drinking beer, playing grab ass with friends and jacking off.  You lack direction and have visions of glory dancing thru your head cause you just played Call Of Duty and watched whatever action flick for the 40th time (John Wick type shit).

Which one grabbed your attention?

Which organization appealed to your dreams?

These weren't made for me.  My time is done.  I wonder which one is working for today's youth. I wonder how Marine Corps recruiting is doing with this new direction?  They picked a good time to experiment though.  The Corps is about to have a self imposed drawdown so pressure on recruiters should be down .... they're going for nerds now instead of knuckle draggers.....the Army though...they still like brutes!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Open Comment Post. 27 Oct 2020


Monday, October 26, 2020

If Trump loses does Pence take over the top of the Republican Party? What happens to "never Trumper-ers"?

 Wondering about the questions in the title.  What do you guys think?  Especially curious is what happens to the anti-Trump Republicans?

They can't stay with the Dems...they'll be purged with a quickness.

They're gonna try and take back the Republican party but I'm sure at least half that party will hate them forever.

So what becomes of those folks?

Qatar Emiri Air Force F-15QA carrying Lockheed Martin: Tiger Eyes IRST+LANTIRN navigation pod+Sniper ATP


Open Comment Post. 26 Oct 2020


Russia is knocking Turkish drones from the skies of Armenia?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Trump has a 46% job approval rating with black voters?

This election is gonna be wild.  Now I see why former President Obama is on the campaign trail so hard for Biden.

There are some strange undercurrents going on here and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Maybe the fact that Biden hasn't been forced to disclose his plans for the country?  Did the left really think it was going to be enough to just be anti-Trump?

In the end it really doesn't matter does it?

Regardless of who wins we're gonna be stuck with some pretty intense drama. Unfortunately I believe 2021 is gonna make 2020 look like a picnic. 

Open Comment Post. 25 Oct 2020


CENTAURO II: the new masterpiece of Iveco - Oto Melara Consortium (CIO)