Saturday, December 05, 2020

I hope this is forced perspective....

 A dude in the comments of this thing said that its some kind of eagle down in Australia.  I hope its either that or forced perspective cause this thing looks freaking huge.  I mean carry off small children, deer and big dawgs huge!

Dinosaurs still live bro.  I see this thing in the woods and its dump my full Magpul Drum Mag into this thing (got two of them before the Biden Admin rules them illegal...think I need a third?).

This is why "stay at home orders" & mandatory business closures is getting so much pushback...

Dealing with this pandemic should be simple.  If stay at home orders and business closures are what it takes to make this thing go away then we should be all for it right?

But there is a twist to this thing.

Winners & losers.

Govt is picking winners and losers and its rightfully seen as unfair.  

Until politicians start doing what they're legislating.  Until govt stops picking winners and losers.  As long as this thing is being seen as unjust (hate to do it but how can protests be seen as justified actions and not spreaders of this disease but opening small businesses being lambasted) then you will have the political divide we're seeing.

The perfect example?

Ms. Pelosi first saying that we should welcome Chinese visitors, then demanding that we shut down the nation, then she goes to her hair stylists while denying other people the same right etc....and she's not alone in that.  The roll call of public officials putting in place draconian rules and then not following them is legion.

The problem?

A simple rule for them is life changing for the little guy/gal.

No Go Zones in America???


I don't know if I should label this politics or personal safety.  What I do know is that there are unfortunately many areas in the US where I wouldn't go without my fully loaded concealed carry weapon plus a couple of mags along with my truck gun with spare ammo.

Sound crazy huh?

Not really.  Not in 2020.  What might surprise many is that this once European thing is now fully ingrained in the US.

With the defund the police movement (which has had tragic consequences in Seattle...Google that shit show for yourself) and pop up riots I think my audience needs to be aware.  

Check out this article and tell me what you think.

Nature is brutal...

Open Comment Post. 5 Dec 2020


VBMR Griffon (Multi-Role) vid...

BAE Tempest CGI released by the RAF


MUST READ from the Australian Army Research Centre...

USNS Washington Chambers (T-AKE-11) Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship looks like hot garbage coming into port!

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">USNS Washington Chambers (T-AKE-11) Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship coming into San Diego - December 4, 2020 <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#washingtonchambers</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#take11</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; WarshipCam (@WarshipCam) <a href="">December 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This thing looks like hot garbage...baked over trash.

My only hope is that they didn't fly the national ensign above that mess.

Turkey is now linked to China via a 9K rail line....

Is this a worrying development or nothing to be concerned about?

Strv 2000 140/40 mockup

 Note.  Saw this on Jon Hawkes Twitter Page and wanted more pics.  Interesting concept.  I bet the recoil would almost tear the vehicle apart unless they did some serious mitigation. Never even knew this had been considered!

Note 1.  Had to add his actual tweet so you guys could give him a follow.  He puts up some really interesting stuff.  You can thank me later...