Saturday, July 23, 2011

MultiCam vulnerable to a $120 uv filter?

Check this out from Military Photos.  Amazing.

The reddish image is the uv filtered photo and the greenish one is the unfiltered one.  Against a first tier enemy, multicam is trash when it comes to preventing detection.


  1. To be a fair comparison they would have to run more tests with the same person, in the same pose, with all the other BDUs available.

  2. Curious... Wouldn't the same thing happen to any camo when pitted against the UV filter up against a woodland base?

    The colors do not matter, what happens is you have a better outline of the wearer this is what is more distinct. Since the multicam/digi uniforms help break the users outline the UV negates this making it more visible when looked at.

    So it is not the multicam, it would be mostly all camo patterns in general. At least thats what the problem appears to be.

  3. reminds me of back in WWII where they would have colorblind people ride on recon flights because camouflage was less effective on their vision.

    Anyways I think just about any camo would be useless against 1st tier forces since helmet mounted hybrid IR/Low light vision systems are now being issued. I think our troops are going to become like the Predators (the aliens that battled Arnie and Danny Glover not the drone airplane) with a vision system to see in several different parts of the light spectrum from UV to IR.


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