Wednesday, May 16, 2012

General Allen bails...Battle Rattle is wrong.

Battle Rattle was close but didn't quite hit the target....
The supposedly indispensable leader of the war in Afghanistan is in line to become top commander of U.S. European Command, according to another story in the Post. He could leave his post in Afghanistan as soon as next winter, in between fighting seasons.
How those two realities square with one another seems like  a fair conversation to have.
On one hand, there’s obvious reason for concern. “Another Afghanistan Commander Bails on the War Early,” reads a headline on Wired magazine’s popular Danger Room blog, and that’s a point of view that will certainly be held by many.
On the other hand, it’d be fascinating to know what’s going on behind the scenes at the White House and in Kabul that spurred this conversation.
Did Obama and Allen reach some sort of deal? Did Allen ask to move on? If so, why would the president agree to it when most educated observers believe the war in Afghanistan already has had far too many transitions in leadership in the last few years?
Yeah close but no cigar.

Rumor control has it that he tendered his resignation.

Rumor has it that the White House and the JCS went bonkers and begged prodded and scrambled for a face saving gesture and that the reassignment to Europe before retirement was the accepted compromise.


The war is going badly, Allen's hands are tied and if he resigned at this time the enemy and the President's critics would have a field day.

Remember you heard it here first.

This is nothing but base, nasty, scum filled politics.

Friedrich Nietzsche would be proud.


  1. Off topic here, but is the General wearing a shoulder holster in this picture?

  2. yeah it looks like one of those cheap knockoffs you can get from momma san in the bazaars.


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