Wednesday, May 22, 2013


via the Mail Online.
'We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you': What man holding bloody cleaver said after 'hacking soldier in Help For Heroes T-shirt to death just yards from Woolwich barracks'

And you wonder why everytime I see a young Muslim Male my hands slides towards my firearm.

I don't hate but I will be ready and if they come at me, these sorry, hateful, murderous bastards will get two in the face each and when they're all on the ground I'll empty whatever I have left into them.

Read about it here.

NOTE:  I will no longer debate whether or not "Islam" is a religion of peace.  I've seen enough.  Its not.  


  1. As soon as I heard about this I became furious. These Muslim rats must be deported, and I mean all of them. This is the result of liberalism. They allow these scum of the earth into the west only to kill us and take advantage of our countries. Its seriously time to take on these bastards ourselves before more of this shit happens. Our western governments can't even determine who's a terrorist and who's not. This is sad and ridiculous and should not be happening to soldiers near their barracks.

  2. Brit here, it’ll be interesting to see what if anything kicks off here in the next few days needless to say there are more than a few angry people about. Also don’t know if you’ve been watching Sweden the past few days, hopefully we won’t have the same thing here but I doubt we will ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ much longer.

    1. thats the type of barbarity that topples governments and leads to 'payback' being a SWEET DELIGHT. no more explanations. kill the fuckers responsible.

    2. I agree enough is enough and the patience of significant majority is wearing rather thin so the Government will need to act or face the consequences of the people acting. We are sadly a pretty tolerant and moderate bunch I wouldn’t be surprised if the biggest outcome from this is more electoral than direct action.

      Thank you for posting this though it’s nice to know our cousins across the pond are watching, listening and for some hopefully learning.

    3. excuse my profanity everyone but this deserves it.

      have you seen the video? the bastard has bloody hands...his hands look the way mine do after i've field dressed a kill and he calmly apologizes not for MURDERING an innocent, but because it was witnessed by women.

      it is time to teach those that do this type of thing the error of their ways. the only prescription is a piece of hot, fast traveling metal delivered by the firearm of your choice.

      the UK has always been on my list of places to visit but not until this BULLSHIT is cleaned up. if you need help i'm there but this must be avenged.

    4. Profane away I would rather people said what was on their mind rather than holding their tongue it is a reason I read this blog alongside many others.

      I have seen the videos, the man and his companion are truly mentally deranged and my initial reaction was a one way pass to Diego Garcia or a bullet to the head when the police finally bothered to show up. However I do think death is too easy and clean a punishment for people like this or too good an escape for what they have done, I also reserve judgement until I have more information and the police can interrogate them.

      Frankly anyone who does not fully integrate into our society or preaches hate against it should be put on a one way trip to a Muslim country that will accept them, no if’s no but’s just do it with force if required. Then if necessary should get the Osama bin laden treatment while they feel safe at home sleeping in their bed at night to send a message that we too can reach out and touch them wherever they may be.

  3. This is why the UK should allow their citizens to be armed. Try that in America and that muslim dude would be gunned down in seconds. It just shows the UK's so called Gun laws are the reason why they have an unarmed society that is very easy for muslims to attack them.

  4. Replies
    1. Animals don't kill for pleasure ( well cats do but they are pure evil ) or in the name of one God or another. Animals are more "civilized" than humans will ever be. This is a humanity in pure, bloody hands form.

      They should be interrogate, not some "I want my lawyer" way but only in Bad cop way. Then killd in the most terrifying for muslims way. They family deported, all of them with ban to ever enter any western country. Mark as Persona non grata for ever. Collective responsibility.

    2. the British government has two things to ask themselves.

      1. how many others are out there ready to conduct these attacks.

      2. how do you illustrate to the terrorist that this won't be tolerated. if they don't do that to the satisfaction of the public then YOU WILL SEE people take things into their own hands...and just like the guys hands in the video, they'll be bloody.

  5. The police's and govts. response to this crime has already proven to the UK public that they'll let it happen again and again, because they REFUSE TO DEAL FORCEFULLY WITH THIS KIND OF CRAP! Those cops show up late, and then shoot to wound them so they can talk to them in a civilized manner instead of arriving on scene and gunning them down like the animals that they are. You know why these street thugs didn't run????? BECAUSE THEY KNEW the cops wouldn't kill them!!!! If the innocent population doesn't rise up and make your voices heard, the govt. will just keep letting criminals do whatever they want and get away with it, and innocents will continually pay the price. Get ready for more attacks UK. They are coming! The govt. just encouraged these kinds of criminals by treating them kindly. Sorry the victim didn't get that kind of dignity and respect. RIP soldier!

    1. Yes shoot first ask questions later that is beter because?.
      Unlike American public most people in Europe aren't scared of their own shadow and didn't give up their liberties in name of war on terror, many european countries fought terrorism for decades without police forces getting militarised.

      In my optinion it takes more courage to deal wit this in civilised manner than shoot everything that moves style we have seen in Boston where you didn't know who was scared more Police or public.

    2. again. its interesting that instead of voicing outrage or perhaps in your case feminine horror, you attempt to pick a fight with people that are voicing support for the UK and wanting a better society.

      you Miss, need a better understanding of the horror put upon the UK and might i add that you are a pathetic human.

  6. Sometimes I wonder if Stockholm Syndrome is not become a world wide civilization disease.

  7. I hate them PC or not.
    One day a group of clerics will issue a kill everyone not Muslim order and every Muslim will grab what ever is handy and turn on their non Muslim neighbors and comitt the same crimes on a large scale.

    1. they might get away with that in New York or California but try that shit in the rest of the US and its body bag time and 72 virgins.

  8. Zombie box generation is still at large, most likely moving islamists, homoperverts and feminists in reservations (were they would perfectly complement each other) would not happen until this zombie box generation will die out.


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