Thursday, October 03, 2013

Female Marine tries the Infantry...gets fucked up.


  1. that is a female? What species??

    1. The same kind of species in the movie Aliens featuring female space marines. I wouldn't mention GI Jane because Demi Moore didn't look tough enough.

  2. When they same standards are the still using the female pt test scoring or or do they have to meet the same raw scores? I assume they at least have the same packing list in their rucks and have to finish the same movements right?

  3. Sempere Ubere
    Breastfeeding Moms By Infantry Barracks ‘Not Fooling Anyone’

  4. if you had told me, this was a 19yo male usmc recruit, i wouldn't have given it a second thought.

  5. There may in fact be someone hornier than an infantryman in the field, or just back from patrol, but I personally doubt it. So why, along with all the other difficulties posed for women, why do military leaders go there? Aren't they supposed to be working to curb the epidemic of sexual assault? Stupid. They're only interested in their own PC careers and they don't care about the people under them. That's an epidemic too, of poor leadership.

    Sexual harassment, assault more likely for deployed women who saw ‘combat’
    Deployed women who underwent “combat-like” experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan are much more likely to report sexual harassment and sexual assault compared with other deployed women, according to a new study.

    1. Well, any marine who dishonors the Marine Corp with sexual assaults doesn't belong in there. Having said that, any female marine who can pass the male PT standard should be able to protect herself unless it is some kind of gang attack.

  6. Her shoulders are so narrow! How would the poor thing cope with strap rom a bergen, fighting order, (plus additional ammunition), and body armour for a few days? Her shoulders would be rubbed raw. She would be unstable as a platform. How big are her feet? I bet she would give it a good try for a few days but a whole campaign? Oh! I forgot being shot at......

  7. At least give her a chance. There is no point in blocking physically and mentally abled female marines who can meet the male PT standard.

  8. Wait, there is a strictly prohibited making photos of and in military bases and outposts in mostly EU nations. And in article there is not only Facebook but also Instagram page of here where you can find those kind of photos. Whole word can see this, everyone... first thing if you want to attack some US base ? Check facebook and search for soldiers there who will be more then happy to show you all about it. This is a major security breach in my opinion. What's wrong with you yanks ?

    1. really Shas? i mean seriously? if i was a terrorist i could hangout at the local bar and identify several dozen people that worked at the base.

      if could go to a local barbershop and do the same. or got to a local nightclub.

      the problem with security these days is that its stupid security not smart security. how about catching the bastards before they can get into position and start doing on site surveillance?

      your statement has absolutely no merit.

    2. But in that case you will only obtain "outside look" of base, when you check all those vids and pics you will gater piece here and piece there of "inside look". Frak you go to bloody Google Maps and chceck base from satelite. 0_0

      For me it is terrifying Sol. There is just too much info about military instalations on net, vids, photos, everything. Who need to go and check those bases ? Just log in on Facebook and read, watch...

      Many years ago in my army times when officer on duty catch some private on making photos of his friend inside the unit barracks he just grab him and take him to commanding officer. His camera has been confiscate. Because making photos of base or in base was forbid.

      But I check some info, and I must apologize. Polish MoD abolished photo ban of military instalations because... sign, ehhh this is going to be ridiculous... sign can show the potential terrorist where that base is.

    3. you can get a job at a military base as a janitor. knowing the layout of a base is only going to let you get to your selected target quicker.

      what if you have a female that is dating a guy on base...or a female that is dating some female on base....they go to base housing and there you go...take the long way there and you have the layout.

      lets be real dude. you can't slam our security because of some photos. that's over the top bullshit.

    4. I would slam those soldiers or whole security regulations. There is not rule "Make as many as you want pics, but not of base or inside it. " ?

      Maybe I overreact but...

      - Hey this is my pic in mess and my dinner.
      - Hey this is my pic when my helmet kick my ass.
      - Hey this is my CO and this is his home adress.
      - Hey this is our briefing before mission, boring. But look at those maps, they are nice.
      - Hey this is our unit on top secret mission in Iran... opsss.
      - Hey this is our informant in Somalia, nice guy I will add him.

  9. Satellite imagery, that can read the tattoo on your ass at 300,000 miles high and ELINT make this kind of spying a waste of time.
    As for the Grunt prospect she looks like she can handle herself just fine.


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